If you are not registred please apply for a free registration from https://www.snap4city.org . and then pass to ACCESS AT THE TOOLS and full Snap4City environment.
Interactive Overview of the platform: https://www.snap4city.org/944
References, Citations and references of Snap4City and Km4City, last versions
Please start a fully guided training cases:
- HOW TO: create a Dashboard in Snap4City
- HOW TO: add a device to the Snap4City Platform
- HOW TO: add data sources to the Snap4City Platform
- HOW TO: define privacy rules for personal data, produced by the end-users own device
- HOW TO: Develop Smart Applications, Snap4City development Life Cycle
- HOW TO: HLT vs Ingestion, and HLT vs Widgets
- HOW TO: Develop an IOT Application for Data Ingestion
- HOW TO: Upload data into Knowledge Base, ServiceMap (triple upload)
- HOW TO: Create as set of Devices with BulkProcessing
- HOW TO: Create an IOT Device Model
- HOW TO: Create an IOT Device Instance from IOT Directory tool
- HOW TO: save / export a MyKPI data into a CSV file
- HOW TO: develop DataAnalytic in Python and manage them via IOT App
- HOW TO: customize AIRQino IOT Device to work on Snap4City
- HOW TO: setup Libelium Waspmote Plug&Sense Smart Environment IOT Device to work on Snap4City
- MicroServices Suite for Smart City Applications
- HOW TO: create subflow and groups into IOT Applications, Node-RED
- HOW TO: Manage IOT Network Components on Snap4City
- HOW TO: Federation of Smart Cities, by federating Smart City API and Knowledge Base
- HOW TO: Deploy & Installation of Snap4City DataCity-Large 2020
- HOW TO: cope with Typical Time Trends
- HOW TO: manage a calendar Widget
- Form Widget on Dashboard and IoT Applications
- HOW TO: use and control the Widget Data Cube, OLAP
- HOW TO: work on ServiceMap for developers
- HOW TO: sizing your Snap4City Solution on private or public Clouds
- HOW TO: create an organization on Drupal CRM for Snap4City
- How to: send voice messages on dashboards
- HOW TO: Federating Smart Cities, Super Servicemap, Knowledge Bases
- HOW TO: Develop a Theme for Dashboards
- HOWTO: Extended delegation capabilities of IOT Devices
- HOW TO: Use a FIWARE Smart Data Model for creating devices
- HOWTO: MultiDataMap for Origin-Destination Matrices
- HOWTO: Exploit the new DeviceTable widget to show data on a table format.
- HOW TO: activate tridimensional view on Dashboards, 3D views on Dashboards
- HOW TO: set email notification from IoT Apps
- HOW TO: TV Cam Manager, based on Kurento and Turn
- HOWTO: APIMAN manage API accounting: smart city API, broker API, etc.
- HOWTO: Python interoperability with Snap4City, smart city API
- HOW TO: Perform Fast Data Loading in Python
- Index: CSBL Client Side Business Logic - Widget Manual for Business Intelligence
- How To Dev - Index of documents/web pages on how to Develop smart Applications
- HOW TO: Scenario Editor
- HOW TO: control Healthiness on data gathering
- HOW TO: File Manager: load and management of files
- HOWTO: Exploit the new Data Inspector / Wizard
- HOWTO: Export Data from Dashboard Widgets
- HOW TO manage Groups of Entities
- HOW TO: Create a client_id in Keycloak
- HOW TO: exploit the new ColorMap Manager
All the other articles:
- SOLUTION: Security, Smart City Asset Management for Cuneo, Italy PDF
- Snap4City Dashboard Manager: a tool for creating and distributing complex and interactive dashboards with no or low coding
- Microservices’ Libraries Enabling Server-Side Business Logic Visual Programming for Digital Twins
- Data Analytics on Snap4City, Machine Learning Operation MLOps on Snap4City via ClearML
- list of files
- ENERGIA: R&S di autoclave a mandrini multipli nel curing di serbatoi in composito per storage di H2 mediante ottimizzazione energetica con innovativo sistema di recupero Co2, energia termica e tecniche avanzate di fluidodinamica e machine learning.
- Snap4City Vertical Applications
- UrbanDT4TF: Urban Digital Twin for Traffic Flow
- ELLIE: On the UsE of Internet of Senses for the CuLturaL HerItagE
- SADI-MIAC: Integrated Decision Support System with Digital Twin Models and Artificial Intelligence for Business
- SADI-MIAC: Sistema di Assistenza alle Decisioni Integrato con Modelli Digital Twin e Intelligenza Artificiale per le attività commerciali
- Snap4City Simulation Supports
- Snap4Rhodes: The "Single Smart City & Cyber Security Monitoring Platform" for the Municipality of Rhodes
- Snap4City for CN MOST
- Snap4City: newsletters and news up to the 2022
- SOLUTION: Energy Management and Control
- SOLUTION: Environment Control, Predictions & Prescriptions
- Enhancing City Sustainability: Smart Light Management with Snap4City in Merano
- Optimizing Mobility and Transport Infrastructures
- Multidomain Digital Twin platform for Decision Makers.
- Snap4City Snap4Tech template / models capabilities
- Snap4City 8/2024 Digital Twin services and tools offering catalogue
- SCENARIO: City Users' Participation and Engagement with Snap4City
- OPTIFaaS: Operation and Plan, Transport Infrastructure and Facilities Support as a Service
- SCENARIO: Smart Tourism Management with Snap4City
- CAI4DSA: Collaborative Explainable neuro-symbolic AI for Decision Support Assistant, FAIR PE1 Spoke 1, PNRR
- SCENARIO: Traffic Light Plan Optimisation: reducing travel time, number of stops for vehicles and tramway lines
- SCENARIO: Traffic Infrastructure Optimisation: reducing travel time and emissions
- Snap4City Smart Parking Manager and mobile App supports
- Snap4City at the Smart City Expo World Congress 2024
- Knowledge Base Road Graph Restrictions
- Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Solving Navier-Stokes Equations in Complex Scenarios
- eShare in a Snap - The innovative car sharing and car pooling service
- Digital Twin Cityverse FAQ to Snap4City
- AMMIRARE: make the beach system more resilient to climate change risks through the implementation of natural based solutions
- TOURISMO: TOURism Innovative and Sustainable Management of flOws
- CAI4DSA: Collaborative explainable neuro-symbolic AI for Decision Support Assistant
- SASUAM: Solutions for Safe, Sustainable and Accessible Urban Mobility
- Snap4City 6/2024 Digital Twin services and tools offering catalogue
- Interview to ChatGPT4o about Snap4City Capabilities
- DS4SSCC Blueprint and Snap4City
- CityVerse and Snap4City
- Why smart city ? (a short note)
- Perchè avviare un processo di smart city, a short note
- Snap4City vs MIMs Plus Living-in.EU Technical Specifications
- SCENARIO: Exploit Snap4City in different Smart Waste use cases
- Km4City: properties of Road Elements.
- SCENARIO: Smart City Asset Management for Cuneo, Italy
- Snap4City Domains Videos
- Snap4Building: monitoring, managing, controlling infrastructures
- Smart Light Control and Light Adaptive for Traffic Density (the actual case of Merano)
- Snap4City integration with Milestone X Protect, VMS, Video Management System
- Blockchain support on Snap4City
- Snap4City enhanced debug support on Node-red to make the development easier and faster
- SCENARIO: Smart City Living Lab in Romania, https://www.snap4city.org/957
- Key performance Indicator: KPI per la mobilità e trasporti, MaaS, parcheggi, inquinamento (ITA)
- SUMI Indicatori e stima (ITA)
- Da Big Data Analytic ai Data Models e Digital Twin (ITA)
- Official Dissemination channels of Snap4City
- Tuscany X.0 – L’European Digital Innovation Hub dedicato a pubblica amministrazione e imprese toscane
- Snap4City Interview 2 on ChatGPT plus some links we added
- SCENARIO: Fashion Retail Recommendation System via Multiple Clustering Approach
- SCENARIO: Energy Community, CER, SELFUSER
- Interview to ChatGPT about Snap4City capabilities and solutions
- Snap4All: Mobile App for Android, Snap4City Features on Your Mobile Device
- IoT Device Model and Devices Data Dictionary:
- Monitoring Recharging Stations with Smart Applications
- SCENARIO: Smart Light Control, CAPELON, PDF
- SCENARIO: Supporting Decision Makers in Real Time about Quality Lab Analyses on the production process
- Social Media Analysis: Twitter Vigilance
- GDPR Compliant People Detection and Counting using Thermal Cameras
- Artificial Intelligence Predicts Landslides in Florence Area
- Available Parking Slots Prediction
- Available Bikes and Free Slots Prediction On Bike Sharing Stations
- Long Term Prediction of NO2 KPI of European Commission reference values
Inventory of transferable digital applications and solutions for the tourism ecosystem
Scenario: IMPETUS Intelligent Management of Processes, Ethics and Technology for Urban Safety
UserManual of SelectorMap block/node on Node-RED, controlling Maps from Node-RED
Calls of the European Commission of interest for Snap4City, DISIT lab
Doc: POI Loader Tool (load of Excel file)
Doc: Data Table Loader tool (load of Excel File)
Report management on devices and other aspects
Overview Snap4City 2021: Smart aNalytic APp builder for sentient Cities and IOT
Why Snap4City should be adopted and why it can be easy replicated / installed
Course: Big Data and Analytics, Master Industry 4.0 Design, PISA
Scenario: SnapBot: Real Time Smart City services via Telegram
IOT Directory - UI (user Interface), HOW TO: work on IOT Directory User Manual
Scenario: MOBIMART Interreg: MOBilità Intelligente MARe Terra
DORAM: how to create alternative scenarious (mobility demand vs transport offer)
Scenario: City of Roma case, mobility and environmental data
Scenario: Herit-Data video and aims
Twitter Vigilance, social media monitoring and early warning
DISIT Lab Traffic Flow Reconstruction V1.0 Tool License Agreement, version 1.2, 2020
Scenario: Snap4Home, how to exploit Snap4City solution on home automation
Snap4City info su Andamenti Nazionali e Regionali infezione COVID-19
How to register automatically an uri callback on Orion Context Broker
Article on Sensors: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/19/21/4798/htm , MicroServices Suite for Smart City Applications
Data Analytics: Analyzing Public Transportation Offer wrt Mobility Demand
Data Analytic: Origin Destination Matrices, Algortihms and tools
Scenario: Mobility and Transport Analyses in multiple cities
Scenario: Mobile & Web App: Toscana Where What … Km4City, Toscana in a Snap
How to: Develop Smart Applications, Snap4City development Life Cycle
Smart City Control Room Dashboards: Big Data Infrastructure, from data to decision support
HOW TO: activate the zoom of External Services embedded into Dashboard Widget
Dashboard info: Mobility and Environment What-IF Analysis, Florence
Data Flow Management and Visual Analytic for Big Data Smart City/IOT
Dashboards: Since today all of them have Touch Screen Support
AIRQino: Compact low-cost air quality monitoring station, by CNR IBIE
Snap4City on the European Open Science Cloud Marketplace, EOSC
Tutorial on the Bulk Load Approach for IOT Devices on Snap4City
Training Snap4City: from data to sentient City, Smart City and IOT
Snap4City Mobile Apps: Helsinki in a Snap, Antwerp in a Snap
HOW TO: configure/install StartSNAP4CITYVM: starting appliance of Snap4City
Articoli in Italiano: Articoli e Descrizioni in Italiano
Traffico, meteo e qualità dell’aria: l’importanza dei dati per gestire e vivere le città
Corso su IOT, programmazione in Node-RED snap4City in Italiano
Scenario: Snap4Home the case of: Alexa, Philips, Sonoff, TP-link, etc. (Italiano)
Smart City Lighthouse ,snap4city, SDLM in Advanced Design LM12, Bologna: SLIDE and VIDEO (italiano)
Training Snap4City: dai dati alla Città Senziente, Smart City and IOT
- Un Hackathon promosso dal DISIT Lab del Dinfo a livello internazionale (ITA)
- Training Snap4City: dai dati alla Città Senziente, Smart City and IOT
- Una App per smaltire bene i rifiuti elettronici ed elettrici, WEEE
Codemotion Articles:
SELECT for Cities contest: solve challenges and create value for citizens
How Snap4City can bring your vision of a Smart City to reality
Tutorial: connecting an ESP-12 device to the snap4city network
Tutorial: connecting a raspberry Pi to the Snap4city network
The integration between data and devices: the Snap4City solution
Data Gathering and Knowledge Management for Smart Cities in Snap4City Platform
- Snap4Industry: Snap4City for Industry 4.0
- Snap4City per Smart City e Industria 4.0
- Snap4City vs GIS solutions and connections
- Certificate of the Certification Authority
- Karma - in practice: triplification process
- Sindaco Nardella allo Smart City Expo World Conference 2018
- Snap4City Abstract: the most and the advanced aspects
- Snap4City: Arduino & ESP8266 IOT Device NGSI
- Snap4City IOT Edge on VM Ubuntu: IOT Application
- My Personal Statistics
- User Limits and Consumption of Resources
- Snap4City platform: from cloud to data analytic as a Living Lab for Student and Researchers
- Partners and Interoperability
- Registering IOT Edge: example of Raspberry Pi, total security
- Mobile Phone Android as IOT Edge with IOT Applications in Node-RED
- Snap4City Terminology
- Snap4City Living Lab Life Cycle suggested
- Architecture of Snap4City with Internal API, documented in Swagger
- searchable: the data, both structured and unstructured
- The daisy of MicroServices for Snap4City Dashboard and IOT App.
- IOT Applications, MicroService Directory, data bidirectional data flows
- HTML5 MicroApplications Smart City API
- Snap4City IOT Devices Registration
- Creating: IOT Device, Raspberry Pi based totally compliant with Snap4City
- Snap4All IOT Button: based on ESP32
- Users' Roles on Snap4City
- Contributing as city stakeholder: company, citizen/developer, researcher, etc., to the Living Lab
- Real Time and Data Driven Capabilities of API
- Acting on the basis of Data and Data Analytics
- Exploring and Drill-Down on City Data
- Supported file and message formats
- ETL processes for massive Data Ingestion and Transformation
- Snap4City Supported Protocols, adding new protocols
- Testing Snap4City API with Postman
- High Level supported IOT Protocols
- Snap4City Collaborative Work and Co-working
- Snap4City Dictionary of Tools and Modules
- Snap4City Overview and Architecture vs it users
- EventLog API
- References
- Snap4City Logo
- Acronyms
- Doc:Dashboards https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/17
- Doc:Notificator https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/18
- Doc:IOTApplications https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/22
- Doc:IOTDirectoryandDevices https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/40
- Doc:ServiceMap&3D https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/19
- Doc:MicroApplications https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/54
- Doc:ExternalServices https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/55
- Doc:DataSetManager https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/26
- Doc:ResourceManager https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/27
- Doc:RStudioDevelopment https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/25
- Doc:ETLDevelopment https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/24
- Doc:KnowledgeBaseGraph&Query https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/21
- Doc:SmartCityAPI,Swagger https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/20
- Doc:TrafficAnalyzer,AMMA https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/43
- Doc:DataAnalyzer,DevDash https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/23
- Doc:ResourceAnalyzer,ResDash https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/42
- Doc:SchedulerDISCES https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/28
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