DISIT Lab Traffic Flow Reconstruction V1.0, V2.0
Tool License Agreement, version 1.3, 2020
Once provided and countersigned it allows to receive and use of the tool developed by the DISIT Lab of University of Florence namely Traffic Flow Reconstruction Tool V1.0, V2.0, in the following called Tool, according to the restrictions described in this License, and the free use of Snap4City open source platform. For Tool we intend and include all its elements such as: source code, executable code, file formats, concept model, algorithm, documentation and configurations. All the Tool’s components have to be considered strictly confidential and have to respect the constraints reported in this Licence. Please note that the Tool depends on the solutions and components of the open source solutions called Km4City and Snap4City which are accessible from Https://www.snap4city.org and on Github/disit. Version 2 of the solution refer to the solution in execution and usage in DISIT lab and services in October 2020, which includes traffic predictions, what if analysis, and conditional traffic flow reconstruction.
This License has been created and issued by DISIT lab, which is the copyright holder, in the following called Issuer (for information contact: info@disit.org ). The private, Company, institution or public administration accepting and signing this license for obtaining the granted rights of using the Tool is the recipient of this license once signed, and it is called in the following the Receiver.
The intent of this License is to establish what the Receiver can do with the Tool in its different formats and components provided. The approach of this License is based on the principle of source code accessible model, that in some manner could be regarded as an open source approach. This License applies to any Tool containing a notice placed by the Issuer saying that it may be distributed under the terms reported in this License, and in way to the above-mentioned Tool. This License covers modification and distribution of the Tool, use of third-party application programs based on the Tool, and development of free or private software which uses the Tool. This licence is typically an annex of a contract when the licence is issued and signed aside a formal contract of service, research, development, customization, to cover a part of the prehexisting knowledge of DISIT lab in the domain.
Granted Rights to the Receiver
- You are granted the non-exclusive rights set forth in this License provided you agree to and comply with any and all conditions in this License. The acceptance of the Tools, or software items that link with the Tool, in any form signifies acceptance of this License.
- You are not authorized to distribute the Tool in any form (neither source code, nor machine-executable forms), and to any kind of your partners, subcontracts, consultants, or third party in general, and for any kind of motivation without a written authorization of the Issuer. This means that You are not authorized to give access at the Tool in any form to any third party without a written authorization of the Issuer.
- You are not authorized to provide services to any third parties on the basis of the execution or customization of the Tool, nor with solutions that use the Tool, neither for free nor for profit, without a written authorization of the Issuer.
- You can make a copy of the Tool for safety reason and backup, but not for multiple usage.
- You can use the Tool only for executing it on your servers, computers and on cloud provided that they are under your strict control and on your domains, and for the purpose of maintaining operative the demonstrator of Trafair Project (please note that to have this Licence valid in the context of other projects you have to ask at the Issuer). This means that You are not authorized to use the Tool for other projects/products without written authorization of the Issuer. The Issuer may ask you to visit your server (under your guided tour in remote desktop) at the any time to understand how the Tool is exploited on your premise, and thus asking you to run specific commands on your server at run time and see the results and derive consideration in a recorded section that will be saved for a while.
- You may make modifications to the Tool provided, in a form that is separate from the Tool such as patches, or clearly marking them in the source code. The following restrictions apply to modifications:
- Modifications must not alter or remove any copyright notices in the Tool.
- When modifications to the Tool are released under this License, a non-exclusive royalty-free right is granted to the Issuer to distribute your modifications in future versions of the Tool, provided that such modifications are considered by the Issuer as relevant aspects of the Tool. This means that one your modifications are getting production level on your site, you have to communicate, commit them to the Issuer, within 15 days of putting them in production.
- You may develop application programs, reusable components and other software items that link with the original or modified versions of the Tool. If these application programs, reusable components and other software items are not available to the general public, and the Issuer requests a copy of them, then you must supply them under the license You decide.
- You may request an extended version of this License with different permissions (or less restrictions) by requesting the arrangement and signing a different agreement with the Issuer.
- You are entitled to have this perpetual License free of charge if you are a city partner of Trafair project, that is: Regione Toscana (Firenze, Pisa and Livorno), Saragoza, Santiago di Compostela, Modena. Please note that to have this Licence valid in the context of other projects, or to have a different kind of Licence you have to ask at the Issuer.
- You can put in contact eventual other interested partners to the Issuer to get their Licence for the usage of the Tool according to the conditions defined by the Issuer.
- You have to take care that permissions that are NOT explicitly authorized in this Licence are forbidden.
- You have to refer to the DISIT lab as the inventor of the Tool and of the solution in any product and public dissemination, communicaton of the eventual service and solution you derive exploiting the Tool. The format and the shape of the communication has to be accepted by the coordinator of the DISIT Lab.
- You have to take care that services that are NOT explicitly declared to be provided to the Receiver by the Issuer in this Licence are not included in this License, and may be negotiated with the Issuer.
Limitations of Liability
In no event shall the Issuer be liable for any damages whatsoever, including - but not restricted to - lost revenue or profits or other direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damages, except to the extent invariable law, if any, provides otherwise.
No Warranty
Choice of Law
This License is governed by the Laws of Italy. Disputes shall be settled by Florence City Court.
For acceptance of the Receiver (name and surname)……………………………………………………
On Behalf of the Legal Entity:……………………………………………..
Role in the Legal Entity:………………………………………
Date of Signature (and stamp):……………………………………..
Address (street and civic number, CAP):………………………………………
Contact person of the Receiver (name and surname):………………………………
From Issuer DISIT Labs as acceptance (name and surname): Paolo Nesi
Telephone: +39-335-5668674
Email: paolo.nesi@unifi.it, paonesi@gmail.com
WWW: https://www.disit.org, https://www.snap4city.org