IoT Networks may be composed of several IoT Broker compliant with different protocols and corresponding devices, IoT Adapter, IoT Agents, etc. See training part 3
Therefore, the following elements in addition to those above introduced are relevant:
- IoT Device: An IoT Device may have sensors and/or actuators. In Snap4City, an IoT Device can be registered on IoT Broker before sending data on the platform. If the Broker is internal, the IoT Device can be registered on IoT Directory that will perform all what is needed to register on IoT Broker and also on Knowledge Base and NIFI to automatically perform the Data Shadow of all the data produces by the device. This is possible since NIFI is automatically subscribed to all Devices of the Internal Brokers.
- IoT Device Model. Supported data models are: FIWARE Data Model, and IoT Device Models, models for IoT Devices, Virtual IoT Devices, time series, moving IoT Devices, etc. They are automatically converted/ingested for the Knowledge base, creating the unified view of entities coming from any vendors and broker channel. In Snap4City, an IoT Device Model can be registered once and shared and used many times for instantiating one or many devices with the same model in short time. For example, 40.000 lights of a smart light system. Please note that the Model is a template, and once used can be modified without any impact of the produced instances.
- IoT Orion Broker is a FIWARE component: The IoT Orion Broker support natively the NGSI V1, V2 and LD. It usually provides only the last values of the IoT Devices and not the historical data (data shadow). In order to have the Data Shadow, and thus to perform queries on time series, the IoT Orion Broker has to be connected to a storage. In Snap4City, the storage provided is Elastic Search which provides high capabilities for insert, search and retrieval and scalability.
- IoT Directory: Snap4City tool for registering IoT Broker and Devices. Snap4City is almost agnostic about the brokers and accept a number of brokers and protocols registered on IoT Directory of Brokers and Devices. The IoT Directory is capable to browse on internal and external brokers to discover IoT Devices and register them on Knowledge Base. The IoT Directory is also the tool that manage all the network information about the devices deployed and connected. It is capable to exploit NGSI V1 and V2 protocol aspects to inspecting and managing IoT Orion Brokers of FIWARE, so that to manage a large number of them and automatically performing registration of devices in bulk on Knowledge base. See,
- IoT Discovery: It is a function of Snap4City IoT Directory and Knowledge base which allow to discover the IoT Devices by a number of filters: geospatial, by type, by value name, by unit, by nature and subnature, etc- The same Feature is provided in IoT App, IoT Directory, ServiceMap, Data Inspector and Dashboard Builder.
- IoT Edge Device: An IoT Device capable to execute processes. In Snap4City terminology, IoT edge Devices are typically endowed of Node-RED process which also has installed Snap4City Libraries of MicroServices. See section 3.5, and also
- for the remote control of IoT Edges
- Edges on Linux
- Android
- raspberry pi.
- Snap4Home:
- Snap4industry: