R Studio Development


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The development of Data Analytics processes can be performed in multiple languages by using the development environment decribed in https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/24 whcih allows you enter into a Virtual Machine on Cloud and for isntance develop ETL, Python processes. In addition, we provide and describe here an environment, accessible via WEB, for developing R processes by using R Studio.

The R Studio environment allows to access to: (i) referral data via queries, (ii) indexed data collected from IOT/ETL processes via queries, (iii) knowledge base data via SPARQL queries, (iv) knowledge base data via Advanced Smart City API, etc. Among the possible solutions for data analytics at teh state of the art, the R seems to be the most powerful since in R one may found a large range of examples. In addition, the solution provided in R Studio is based on Computer endowed of an NVIDIA Titan Xp (gently donated by NVIDIA, http://www.nvidia.com ). This allows you to develop on R Studio processes that exploit the Tensor Flow capabilities. The Titan Xp is a 3840 GPU processor (CUDA Cores), 

In the context of Snap4City, the Data Analytics can be used for developing

  • Statistic analysis of referral data
  • Pattern identification
  • Clustering for trend behaviour
  • Prediction of parking, traffic, flow, etc.
  • Anomaly detection, early warning
  • Predictive or other algorithm by using Machine learning, etc.

Development environment based on R-Studio can be accessed from Snap4city.org portal as direct remote access via WEB: https://rstudio.snap4city.org You have to be AreaManager or Developer. 

Once a new DataAnalytic algorithm is produced, it can be exploted by all users, including Manager, Final users, as MicroService into IOT Applications.