Click the image to access the tool (for registered users), see the video
The Micro applications are microscenarious derived from the Km4City mobile application, and are developed as HTML5 java script solutions accessible in response mode by all device. They can be used into Dashboard as well as stand alone. They can be activated on any Km4City knowledge base.
The accessible micro Applications are those that allow you to access to the following geolocated services in your area, and in particular:
- Advertising and promotion categories and POI
- Accommodations POI
- Agriculture POI
- Civil Engineering POI
- Cultural Activity POI
- Cycling Paths, POI and paths
- Discovery the City
- Education and Research POI
- Emergency, POI
- Entertainment Locations, POI and real time data
- Financial Services POI
- First Aid and triage real time, Position of the hospital and emergency status
- Governmental Offices, POI
- Green Areas, POI
- Health Care, POI
- Accommodations, POI
- Mining and Quarrying, POI
- Parking and predictions, POI
- Path Finder, Routing and Navigation: car, bike pedestrian and multimodal
- Pharmacies, POI
- Pollen Data and real time data, for the sensor position
- Pollution data and real time data, for the sensor position
- Public Transport and search: Bus Stops, bus paths, list of courses, time schedule, next arrival
- Shopping services, POI
- Suggestions near to you, closer to you, a mixt of POI
- Tickets to buy, via SMS
- Tourism Services, POI
- Transfer Services and Renting, POI
- Utility and Supply, POI
- Wholesale, POI
- Industry Manufacturing, POI
By clicking a micro application preview icon, the corresponding web app will be opened in a integrated view. More advanced MicroApplications freely vailable are those for:
- Routing and multomodal routing
- brosing on public transport services
- managing personal POI, MyPOI
- searching POI
- paying for public transportation tickets
- TC1.12 - Dashboard with MicroApplications
- TC5.12. Anonymous annotation via Smart City API and MicroApplications
- TC5.17. Search on Services via Smart City API: MicroApplication, Exploiting Micro Applications in HTML5 based on Advanced Smart City API
- TC5.19. Using ServiceMap as a Tools for Developing web and mobile apps and micro applications
- TC1.5. Dashboards showing a range of different High Level Types: KPI, POI, IOT dev, MicroApp, Maps using different kind of Graphics Widget. Monitor city status with Dashboards
In Snap4City, a large number of applications are also available as External Services: