HOW TO: Change the background map, loading Orthomaps, on Dashboards


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The Dashboard widget MultiDataMap allows to load different kinds of Ortomaps. Some examples in the following. As you can see, on the Ortomaps you can load any Snap4City layer: traffic flow, heatmaps, what-if analysis, routing, POI, sensors, etc. etc.

In order to enable this feature, you can do it authomously on MultiDatamap widget by entering in editing of the Dashboard in the more option of the MAP. Moreover, a predefined set of Orthomaps and views are provided for most of the Organization. If you need to ad more or to have it activated ask to the Organization coordinator or to 

The ortomaps can be loaded: (i) from GIS servers as GeoServer, ESRI ArcGIS, QGIS, etc.... all in standard WMS, (ii) using other standard based on tiled via HTTP also accessible. Some of those solution may request a key. The key has to be provided by you at the moment of the request.

Another example is the Antwerp Overivew Dashboard