click the image to access the tool (for registered users), see the video
The External Services may be (i) ready to use Web Pages that may be enforced into some dashboard as represented in the above page, (ii) external services accessinble in programmatic manner via some API. In the latter case, the data can be accessed by IOT Applications and ETL processes, and Data Analytics according to their programming capabilities. See how an API can be exploited and may be transformed into an IOT MicroService and published to make it accessible for all.
On the other hand, the External Services which are listed below and represented in the above picture can be added for the system b y requesting to the ToolAdming to register them. So that the following list is just an example of them. The following are those that have been initially accessible External Services, and some of them may request the access via some username and password. For example, they are:
- A tool for monitoring in real time the Movement of Busses, it also allows to click on the single poi representing a bus to get the bus ID.
- Firenze WIFI clustering and Heatmapis the access to a number of view regarding the status of the wifi network in Florence and also the status and prediction of people in certain area of Florence.
- Km4City WebApplication, the access to the full web based mobile applications referring to the knowlege base of Florence and Tuscany.
- ServiceMap: the external service version of the ServiceMap to access and query the Knowlege Base.
- ServiceMap3D: the external service version of the ServiceMap3D to access and query the Knowlege Base and showing 3D view with animated observation of sensors whcih are located in the territory. The number of sensors, the valued and the time period can be programmed for show. The settings can be saved providing a stringname. The service and3D show can be invoked and put in execution by reusing the saved name in the call of the tool.
- Traffic Flow Reconstruction: the reconstruction of the traffic flow in the whole Florence by starting from the fracci flow data collected from sensors. The solution is based on diffusive model and partial differential equation.
- Twitter Vigilance: an external service that is capable to monitor Twitter channels and data according to its configuration. The tools also perform a number of statistical analysis automatically. Among them, counting of tweets and retweets, natual language processing, user relationships, distribution of data, sentiment analysis, predictive models, etc. etc.
- Twitter Vigilance Real Time, as the above described Twitter Vigilance but computing all the metrics in real time, every 5 minutes, including sentiment analysis.
- several views on mobile applications of Snap4City
- Belgium MAP of environmental variables
- Antwerpen (park Spoor Noord) Air Pollution
- Antwerp GIS Safety on Bike
- Air Quality Now by FMI, Finland
- Air Quality Map, Finland by HSY
- De Lijn routeplanner - Antwerp
- Events In Helsinki
- Curieuze Neuzen Vlaanderen
- Firenze: Clusters of City User behaviors, Wifi
- Flights radar H24
- Garda Lake Overview (a part)Helsinki Map GIS, Kartta
- Google Map
- Flanders Environment Agency
- Industrial Plant IOT Synoptic
- Indice della Qualita dell'aria in Italia, by UNIPISA
- Industrial Plant Monitoring Synoptic
- Interactive Maps Amsterdam
- Noise Map Amsterdam
- Marine Weather Now by FMI, Finland
- Regione Toscana SITA Cartoteca
- Recycling Points, Finland
- ServiceMap 3D Antwerp
- ServiceMap 3D Helsinki
- ServiceMap, Statistics and much more, Helsinki
- Temperature by City Centered in Antwerp
- Status Fietsersliften Antwerp
- Statistic of City traffic Helsinki
- Smart Ways to Antwerp, SLIM Naarant
- Transport, Reittiopas, Finland
- etc. etc.
The proposed solution can integrate any External Services and existing applications calling them via REST, WS, FTP, SFTP, HTTP/HTTPS, and other protocols. In particular, the connection to service will be possible and easy thanks to:
- ETL Processes which are capable to ingest data from several protocols and any formats: HTTP, TCP, NGSI, ESTI M2M, REST call, HTTPS, ODBC, FTP/FTPS, WS SOAP, SIGFOX, Twitter data, GTFS, WSDL, DATEX, HTML, LoraWAN, OneM3M, WebSocket, etc.
- Data Analytics processes: which may be put in execution any computational process (coded in R Studio, Java, C/C++, Python, etc.), which can be scheduled in time DISCES. DISCES can be also controlled by IOT applications via its MicroServices;
- IOT Application blocks as MicroServices which are capable to cope with protocols: OneM2M, WebSocket, REST, HTTP/HTTPS, ODBC, SOAP, Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, etc., and any format. Among these also the usage of Notification, Spark, etc.
This feature is strongly inherited by Km4City that ingest any kind of data in Tuscany.