Knowledge Base Graphs and Queries: browsing and queries into the KB


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videoSnap4City: Knowledge Base and Maps Overview

click the image to access the tool (for registerd users), see also the video

For a more complete overview please read: is an Open Source tool of DISIT lab for browsing on any Linked Open Data repositories and Linked Data on the world, and browsing also among them independently on their location exploiting also their interconnection via definition in transparent manner. The tool allows sharing configuration and view on the graphs. It facilitates to establish links from the Km4City based KB of the city and the many other linked data in the worlds, for example many Point of interest have links to the definition of VIP people defined in: dbpedia, geonames, etc., thus very important for tourism and cultural applications. FLINT, SPARQL: is a tool for making semantic queries in SPARQL. It is a technical tool that allows at the developers to pose semantic queries on the RDF stores representing the Knowledge Base, one or more.  See on the menu the "knowledge base graphs" and "knowledge base queries" toools accessible from the Development Tools menu

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Entry Login URL:

User Manual to download:

Examples ready to be used: