Why Snap4City should be adopted and why it can be easy replicated / installed
Cities are rapidly transforming their services to address societal, environmental and economic challenges: SDG, DUT, 15MinCityIndex, etc. Verticals are progressively replaced by solutions capable of exploiting a huge range of data channels, exploiting Artificial Intelligence, and cross exploiting data via horizontal data platforms. The lack of uniform design in the vertical creates larger duplications, costs and difficulties in maintenance and scalability. Cities/areas require uniform solutions, independent by sensor providers, exploiting legacy solutions and opening the path to the future and innovation. A Digital Twin, flexible, dynamic and highly interoperable platform leads to increase sustainability and control assets and operational objectives, fully integrated with the territory and stakeholders. Cities need to exploit a plethora of data channels to get and provide hints and controls with respect to the Digital Twins of the single services, building and of the whole city. The first step is the operational control and monitoring, to be organized to use data and models for short and long terms planning.
Snap4City manages multiple domains in the city/area operating system enabling operation, management, plan and strategic views for mobility and transport, energy, environment, government, tourism, security, safety, civil engineering, management for waste collection, lighting, parking, traffic, building, people flow, etc. As it is on more than 45 cities/areas in countries as Italy, Spain, France, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Finland, Belgium, Greece, Croatia, Israel, Sweden, Australia, Brazil, China, Romania, Cyprus, Malta, etc., for data, services or third-party operators.
Snap4City provides real-time and offline solutions to support decision makers in cities to daily operation and plan actions on Digital Twin, grounded on ethical and explainable artificial intelligent, AI/XAI (Artificial Intelligence, eXplainable AI), solutions, deductions and assessments. It provides a complete understanding of the city conditions, producing early warning, providing suggestions, enabling simulations and plans as what-if analysis and optimization. It is used to suggest strategic and real time interventions to improve city services and general quality of life also providing living lab support.
Snap4City is a 100% open-source platform used in many cities and areas, includes Km4City ontological and semantic model (https://www.km4city.org ) to guarantee data interoperability. It is an official FIWARE Platform (https://www.snap4city.org/467 , https://www.fiware.org/ ), compliant with FIWARE Smart Data Models, IoT Data Models, Data Spaces, and a large range of High Level Types, official EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) Platform, official Node-RED Library, official E015 API, etc. Snap4City is provided “as a Service” or installed in your location, cloud, AWS, MS-Azure, etc. (from yourself, as well as by using Snap4City certified company), no licence fee is needed.
Snap4City has also a number of Verticals and Applications ready to use as presented in the following. The platform facilitates a wide range of applications in the smart cities and IoT/WoT (Internet of Things/Web of Thing) integrated domains: defining city strategies, implementing control rooms, realizing ethics and explainable artificial intelligent solutions, computing key performance indicators (SUMI, SUMP, IEEE, EC KPI, etc.), setting up solutions, harmonizing any legacy solution in place.
From security and privacy aspects, Snap4City is GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation of Europe Union) compliant, and passed PENTest. With Snap4City you can create your certified entities/data, and sequences of events using the provided Blockchain support. End-2-end secure connections are established from devices to dashboards, user interface. Snap4City is compliant with OpenID Connect, SSO, SAML/IAM, European Identity Card, SPID, EU Login, Active Directory, etc.
The most innovative aspects of Snap4City solution are:
Snap4City platform can cope with any data and information covering multiple domains / scenarios (https://www.snap4city.org/4) in integrated Digital Twins, coverage for requirements of MIM Plus, ENOLL, LDT, City Verse, e providing functionalities for operational management, simulation, what-if analysis, optimization and plan
- Mobility and transport solutions and applications:
- Goals: decongestion, decarbonization, costs reductions, improve accessibility to services, improve Security/Safety of city users.
- Operation and Plan: traffic monitoring, prediction, reconstruction, identification of critical conditions (early warning), dynamic routing, multimodal routing, city user behaviour analysis.
- Optimization and what-if analysis: traffic light plans, traffic infrastructure. Reduction of: travel time, waiting time, stops, CO2 emissions, consume fuel, travel time for tramways.
- Public Transport: Analysis of Mobility Demand vs Offer of Transportation (DORAM2)
- Parking Management: monitoring, prediction, any payments, on-road/off-road.
- Sharing / Pooling Management: eShare and mobile app, bike-sharing, smart bike, fleet management.
- KPI: SUMI/SUMP, travel time, emissions, traffic status, accessibility, ..
- Mobile App: final users and operators: Info Mobility, traffic, parking, payment, fine management, city user participation, charging, …
- Energy, eVehicles and Building’s solutions and applications:
- Goals: Energy consumption reduction; increment of efficiency; areas and building sustainability; improve accessibility to services, security and safety
- Energy Monitoring: Building, floors, rooms, recharging poles, cabinets, Community of Energy, Data centres, Energy for Hot / cold, air condition, energy vs temperature and usage, etc.
- Energy Management: Predictions, early warning, identification of critical conditions
- Smart Light Management: LED/mixt, cabinets; lights control vs traffic, lights vs security, energy saving, luminaries profiling, group management, ..
- Smart Building Management: consumptions, number of people, communities of energy, photovoltaic plants, sustainability, ..
- KPI: Energy consumption, efficiency; light profiling and adaptation; autoclave industrial plants optimisation, photovoltaic plant simulation; consumption / usage, energy vs temperature, ...
- Mobile App: monitoring, info-recharge, eSharing, booking, ..
- Tourism, city users’ behaviour, services solutions and applications:
- Goals: improve Quality of Life and quality of services; Over tourism mitigation, sustainability; Costs reduction of services; Improve accessibility to services: citizens, Tourists, commuters, etc.; Improve Security/Safety of city users
- People Flow Analysis / Management: in/out-door, retail, attractions: counting, tracking, flows, origin destination matrices, sentiment, etc.;
- Multiple sources: thermal & TV cameras, radar sensors, PAX sniffers, mobile data, Wi-Fi, traffic data, mobile phone data, card data, etc.
- Suggestions: info Tourism, digital signages, engagement, ..
- Tourists Flows & Retail Management: predictions of presences, services’ reputations, suggestions on second offer, over-tourism mitigation, notifications, early warning,
- KPI: 15 MinCityIndex, energy vs people, over-tourism, accepted suggestions, precision.
- Mobile App: final users services/informing and operators; Info Tourism, people flows, info mobility, sharing, participation, engagement, ..
- Environment and Waste Management solutions and applications:
- Goals: reduction of emissions and EC taxations; cost reduction for waste collection; reduction of waste collection impact on mobility
- Environment Management producing prescriptions: monitoring, long/short-term predictions, early warning: GHG, emissions, pollutants, aerosol, chemical plants analysis, land slide, coastal erosion (blue economy); Traffic Flow impact emissions, predictions.
- Waste Management and Optimisation: costs reduction, optimal routing production, pay as you throw, avoiding out of bins, predictions of waste production on bins, alarms.
- KPI: SDG, 15MinCityIndex, QOS, costs, Km, collecting time, EC KPI, emissions
- Mobile App: final users services/informing and operators, Info Waste for operators, participation, optimal routing, RAEE Collection, ..
- Horizontal Platform, a decision support system, which may integrate all the above plus: governance, security, asset management, solutions and applications
- Goals: Increase quality of Life, quality of services; Decongestion, Decarbonization, Sustainability; increase efficiency and production optimisation; Improve accessibility to services: citizens, Tourists, commuters, etc.; Improve security/Safety of city users, risk reduction; Costs reduction of services, energy consumption reduction; Reduction of emissions and EC taxations.
- Horizontal homogeneous platform Uniform Technology for
- Any Vertical operation/plan: mobility, energy, environment, security, tourism, infrastructure and assets control, buildings, etc.
- AI Solutions: early warning, predictions, simulation, what-if, optimisation;
- Deep Learning, ML, BERT, LLM, XAI (Shap/Lime), etc.
- Development Environment for any vertical, Digital Twin: City Global and Local, IoT, VR, Visual Programming, business intelligence, CSBL, SSBL, Blockchain, etc.
- Interoperability: any format, any protocol, any video management system, any sensor, any device, etc.
- KPI: multidomain KPI, general management, early warning, early detection of critical conditions, 15MinCityIndex, SDG, etc.
- Mobile App: modular applications, operators’ modules, multiple cities, etc.
- Industry 4.0: depuration plants, production plants (monitoring industry plant, control and optimization, digital twin), production plant, predictive maintenance, integrated life cycles among different industry plant, such as on ALTAIR chemical plant, marketing analysis, production of suggestions and engagements; https://www.snap4city.org/369 .
- Dashboards highly interative and secure managing multidomain data and data kind for Smart Cities and industry 4.0: maps, 3D, digital twin, selectors, OD matrices, trajectories, time series, weather, wind direction, semaphore, gauge, buttons, gear, tables, trends, heatmap, traffic flow, air quality predictions, bars, multiple bars, animations, chords, hierarchies, multistaked, synoptics, custom widgets, interactive widgets, etc.;
- Wizard: an expert system for immediate application production by matching data vs graphics representation for creating city and personal Dashboards by rendering and acting on data and IOT devices with a large range of graphics widgets; which may have intelligence in the back by means of powerful IOT applications on data flow combining powerful Smart City Microservices, data analytics and API;
- Skinned and style Dashboards: easy to change the skin and style of dashboard to have your precise fitting on your applications and portals.
- Synoptics and custom widgets, for real time rendering data on graphical scenographic tools, and for graphic interation on the systems from dashboard to actuators end-to-end secure connection.
- Data Models
- Semantic Reasoner supporting the modelling of city entities in multiple and federate knowledge base, their semantic relationships and search, for they discovery, IOT discovery, dynamic and autonomous data analytics as machine learning, and for development of applications in multiple domains: mobility and transport, tourism, health, welfare, social, etc. Extending the Km4City multi-domain semantic model (https://www.km4city.org ); Federation of Smart Cities via smart city API for large horizontal scaling and world scale coverage without expensive solutions.
- Unified data model (exploited in the Wizard and Knowledge base) capable to unifying: FIWARE smart data models, Maps, POI, KPI/myKPI, sensors, actuators, heatmaps, GIS WFS/WMS, personal data, trajectories, tracks, paths, OD matrices, statistics, traffic flow, predictions, 3D models, BIM, 3D openGL models, etc., in any domain, format and size;
- IOT Directory and service simplifying the creation of Applications abstracting complexity of IoT Devices, IoT Edge, IoT Brokers, protocols and data formats, exploiting the Semantic Reasoner, addressing FIWARE Smart Data Models, Snap4City IoT Device Models, and any custom model you may have; Attaching in few minutes External Brokers and registering IoT Devices into the platform.
- Open Source code for implementing and connecting IoT Devices and IoT Edge on Android, Arduino, Raspberry PI, Linux, Windows, ESP32, Arm, AXIS cameras, etc., with mutual authentication and encrypted communication, and IOT App control from web page;
- Processing and smartening applications
- Data Analytic extensible by using multiple programming languages, including: R-studio, Java, C/C++, Python, and Tensor Flow, Map Reduce, exploitable as scheduled processes and/or MicroServices into IOT Applications; Mukltiple paradigms: semantics, machine learning, operative research, statistics, and mixed. Ready to use solutions for predictions, anomaly detection, detection, classifications, etc. in Traffic, pollutant, people moving, etc.
- Specific additional tools: BIM digital twin, reports generators, video stream management, API accounting and billing, federation of solutions via smart city API, satellite data ingestion and processing, automated Open Data production and ingestion, open to any customization from your developers, integrated tiketing management and workflow,
- Applications: smart parking, smart biking, smart light, control systems, control room, energy management, smart bed, smart manufacturing, smart building, mobility and transport, security, etc.
- Flexible and extensible IOT Applications (IOE, Internet of Everything) exploiting External Services, MicroServices and Micro Applications, Data Analytics and tools, FIWARE smart data models;
- development of custom smart applications: exploiting dashboards, data analysis, node-red for business logic and the large variety of graphical widgets.
- Advanced Smart City APIs and MicroServices and modalities to create traditional and advanced Web and Mobile Applications and services, all on Node-RED platform on IoT Edge and on Cloud;
- On Line development tools, from data modeling to data ingestion, from data transformation to data analytics, and from dashboard to realize business intelligence tools.
- Living Lab coworking tools, sharing, and delegating: data, resource, IOT devices, IOT Edge, heatmaps, IOT Applications, dashboards, blogs, articles, videos, external services, micro applications, MicroServices, social interaction, etc.;
- End-2-end encrypted communication, from devices to dashboard, compliant with GDPR privacy/security, mutual authenticated (or other models), PEN test passed;
- Ready to use Appliance Virtual Machines and/or Containers for a modules and tools, free of license, several different configuration from Micro to Large.
- usable on cloud and on premise with your private installation is 100% open source, easy to install from VM and Docker Compose which are provided free of licence;
- Modular, secure, elastic scalability and robustness by design are also provided with automated scaling for IOT applications, Data Analytics, data processing and ingestion;
In More Details, the most innovative aspects of Snap4City open source solution are:
- Dashboards and Wizard (expert system) for creating IOT Smart City applications to:
- work with referral and real time data from IOT Brokers;
- manage and show a large range of data kind such as: referral, POI, open data, external services from web pages, external rest call services, micro application, social media tools, traffic flow reconstruction tool, health first aid tools, parking predictions, weather forecast, selector and possible fields.
- Manage both sensors and actuators towards IOT Brokers and IOT applications;
- work with IOT Applications data in real time, data driven, back and forwards;
- work with personal data saved by the user in a safe;
- exploit a large number of flexible and also specialized widgets for smart city;
- custom widgets, What-IF analysis, heatmaps;
- fast production of dashboard with 3-4 clicks paradigm.
- IOT applications editor exploiting a large set of more than 150 MicroServices, which can be customized and extended, for creating smart personal applications, also including:
- Advanced Smart City API;
- Data Analytics, which can be easily create in R Studio, Python, ETL, etc.;
- External Services as rest calls;
- Web scraping processes;
- IOT Edge Applications on cloud and on premise
- Multi domain support: mobility, environment, energy, personal, geo, etc.
- Advanced Smart City APIs and corresponding MicroServices for IOT Apps, documented in Swagger and testable, for creating traditional and advanced Web and Mobile Applications and services. Also, a number of Mobile Applications.
- Expressive and flexible knowledge base and tools. This guarantees the semantic interoperability of data managing with an unified semantic reasoner and data model:
- concepts belonging to a variety of domains (mobility, energy, tourism, culture, environment, health, services, etc.),
- variety of devices (IOT brokers, protocols, IOT Edge, etc.),
- belonging to different high-level types: IOT data, referral data, structural information, POI, KPI, heatmaps, OD matrices, trajectories, mobility and transport information, environmental, energy, external services, personal data, etc.,
- interoperable with any kind of IOT device, protocol and format, IOT Edge, etc. via the IOT Directory and connection with the knowledge Base grounded on Km4City.
- Support process of IOT Device registration in bulk, automated update of IOT Device collection, IOT data shadow, etc.;
- Open Software IOT Devices based on Arduino, Raspberry pi, Android, ESP32, etc.
- Supports end-2-end encrypted secure connections (from device to dashboard) which is totally transparent for the users, connection of devices and their usage can be performed without writing any line of code.
- support for IOT Edge/Devices based on Arduino, Raspberry, BeagleBoard, Android, Windows, Linux.
- Support more than 50 protocols in the areas of Smart City and Industry 4.0, including, NGSI, MQTT, HTTPS, WS, WFS, WMS, DATEX, OBD2, MobBus, OPC, COAP, AMQP, OneM2M, TLS, SSL, etc.
- Development of DataAnalytics solutions (statistic, logic, semantic and machine learning; for predictive, anomaly detection, descriptive analysis, etc.), which are made accessible as MicroServices and API for IOT Applications and Dashboard. Developing them via: R Studio, Java, Python, C/C++, etc.
- Distribution of a large set of ready to use Data Analytics: prediction, anomaly detection, OD matrices, heatmaps, traffic flow, routing, environmental data comparison, etc.
- Making them directly accessible as MicroServices in short time and easy manner.
- Supports the Living Lab concepts with tools for: management, development, co-working, collaborative tools, such as Resource Manager (market place for experiences and solutions), Dashboard Builder, IOT Applications, Process Scheduling, DataGate, and community support (www.snap4city.org portal)
- Supports GDPR with the capability of managing and controlling a large number of DataTypes, and for most of them also the delegation to view, and the change of ownership. Data Type as: IOT App, Dashboard, IOT Devices, MyKPI, Data, Trajectories, POI, etc.