Snap4City & Snap4Industry Registered Instances Installations
For a more complete overview please read:
- Development Life Cycle:
- Snap4City DOMAINS Snap4City Domains Videos
- Snap4City 8/2024 Digital Twin services and tools offering catalogue
Why Snap4City should be adopted and why it can be easy replicated / installed
- SOLUTION: Security, Smart City Asset Management for Cuneo, Italy PDF
- ENERGIA: R&S di autoclave a mandrini multipli nel curing di serbatoi in composito per storage di H2 mediante ottimizzazione energetica con innovativo sistema di recupero Co2, energia termica e tecniche avanzate di fluidodinamica e machine learning.
- UrbanDT4TF: Urban Digital Twin for Traffic Flow
- ELLIE: On the UsE of Internet of Senses for the CuLturaL HerItagE
- Snap4Rhodes: The "Single Smart City & Cyber Security Monitoring Platform" for the Municipality of Rhodes
- SADI-MIAC: Integrated Decision Support System with Digital Twin Models and Artificial Intelligence for Business
- SADI-MIAC: Sistema di Assistenza alle Decisioni Integrato con Modelli Digital Twin e Intelligenza Artificiale per le attività commerciali
- SCENARIO: City Users' Participation and Engagement with Snap4City, PDF
- OPTIFaaS: Operation and Plan, Transport Infrastructure and Facilities Support as a Service
- SOLUTION: 15MinCityIndex: understanding city areas by means of 13 different aspects, PDF
- SOLUTION: Energy Management and Control, PDF
- SOLUTION: Environment Control, Predictions & Prescriptions, PDF
- SOLUTION: Smart Light Control and Light Adaptive with Traffic Density PDF
- SOLUTION: Smart Tourism Management with Snap4City PDF
- SOLUTION: Traffic Infrastructure Optimisation: reducing travel time and emissions PDF
- SOLUTION: Traffic Light Plan Optimisation: reducing travel time, number of stops for vehicles and tramway lines: PDF
- SOLUTION: Snap4Building: monitoring, managing, controlling infrastructures PDF
- SOLUTION: Snap4City integration with Milestone X Protect, VMS, Video Management System PDF
- SOLUTION: Snap4City Digital Twin, PDF
- SOLUTION: eShare in a Snap - The innovative car sharing and car pooling service, PDF
- SOLUTION: Snap4City Smart Parking Manager and mobile App supports PDF
- SOLUTION: Exploit Snap4City in different Smart Waste use cases, waste manager, PDF
- eShare in a Snap - The innovative car sharing and car pooling service
- Digital Twin Cityverse FAQ to Snap4City
- AMMIRARE: make the beach system more resilient to climate change risks through the implementation of natural based solutions
- TOURISMO: TOURism Innovative and Sustainable Management of flOws
- CAI4DSA: Collaborative explainable neuro-symbolic AI for Decision Support Assistant
- SASUAM: Solutions for Safe, Sustainable and Accessible Urban Mobility
- SCENARIO: Exploit Snap4City in different Smart Waste use cases
- SCENARIO: Smart City Asset Management for Cuneo, Italy
- Da Big Data Analytic ai Data Models e Digital Twin (ITA)
- Smart Light Control and Light Adaptive for Traffic Density (the actual case of Merano) PDF
- Key performance Indicator: KPI per la mobilità e trasporti, MaaS, parcheggi, inquinamento (ITA)
- Snap4City integration with Milestone X Protect, VMS, Video Management System PDF
- SCENARIO: Smart Light Control, 2023, CAPELON, PDF
- Florence HeritData FactSheet:
- SCENARIO: Smart City Living Lab in Romania, PDF
- Snap4PVenergy: Online Photovoltaic System Simulator
- SCENARIO: Fashion Retail Recommendation System via Multiple Clustering Approach
- SCENARIO: Energy Community, CER, SELFUSER
- SCENARIO: Supporting Decision Makers in Real Time about Quality Lab Analyses on the production process, PDF
- Herit-Data and Snap4City: to better manage tourism flows, PDF
- Digital Twin Local and Global, PDF
- Social Media Analysis: Twitter Vigilance, PDF
- GDPR Compliant People Detection and Counting using Thermal Cameras, PDF
- Artificial Intelligence Predicts Landslides in Florence Area, PDF
- Available Parking Slots Prediction, PDF
- Available Bikes and Free Slots Prediction On Bike Sharing Stations, PDF
- Long Term Prediction of NO2 KPI of European Commission reference values, PDF
- Inventory of transferable digital applications and solutions for the tourism ecosystem
- Scenario: AMPERE Operator Manual
- Scenario: IMPETUS Intelligent Management of Processes, Ethics and Technology for Urban Safety (Oslo and Padova)
- Welcome pages of Organizations in no particular order:
- Welcome to Florence
- Welcome to West Greece (Herit-Data)
- Welcome to Valencia, Spain (Herit-Data)
- Welcome to Pont du Gard, France (Herit-Data)
- Welcome to Mostar (Herit-Data)
- Welcome to Dubrovnik (Herit-Data)
- Welcome to Tuscany
- Welcome to Helsinki developers
- Welcome to Pistoia
- Welcome to Siena
- Welcome to Bologna
- Welcome to Prato
- Welcome on DISIT organization
- Welcome to Santiago de Compostela
- Welcome to Modena
- Welcome to Rome
- Welcome to Smart Garda Lake
- Welcome to Pisa
- Welcome to Livorno
- Welcome to Antwerp List of Services and OnLine Data
- Welcome to Smart Parking in Lonato del Garda
- Scenario: Smart Light Control (CAPELON)
- Scenario: Monitoring Cross Road in Venaria Reale - (AXIS Camera)
- Welcome: how to start using Snap4City for beginners
- Global Digital Twin for Florence by Snap4City
- 15MinCityIndex: understanding city areas by means of 13 different aspects, PDF
- Snap4City Impact Story on FIWARE:
- PDF version:
- PDF version:
Scenario: Smart Light Control (CAPELON)
Scenario: Smart Parking in Lonato del Garda (Reverberi)
Scenario: SnapBot: Real Time Smart City services via Telegram
Scenario: MOBIMART Interreg: MOBilità Intelligente MARe Terra
Scenario: City of Roma case, mobility and environmental data
Scenario: Snap4Home the case of: Alexa, Philips, Sonoff, TP-link, etc. (Italiano)
Scenario: Snap4Home, how to exploit Snap4City solution on home automation
Scenario: 5G Enabled Water Cleaning Control (smart city, industry 4.0)
Scenario: High Level Control of Industrial Plant (industry 4.0)
Data Analytic: Origin Destination Matrices, Algorithms and tools
Data Analytic: in general, and the cases of Antwerp and Helsinki
Data Analytic: Analyzing Public Transportation Offer wrt Mobility Demand, DORAM Tool
Scenario: Mobility and Transport Analyses in multiple cities
Scenario: Mobile & Web App: Toscana Where What … Km4City, Toscana in a Snap
Smart City Control Room Dashboards: Big Data Infrastructure, from data to decision support
Dashboards Touch Screen Support for Situation Rooms and What-iF analysis Operators
Data Flow Management and Visual Analytic for Big Data Smart City/IOT
- Snap4City on Social Media
AIRQino: Compact low-cost air quality monitoring station, by CNR IBIE
How to: Develop Smart Applications, Snap4City development Life Cycle
Direct Contracts and Projects Exploiting Snap4City platforms
In this section, a list of direct contracts and projects have been reported for your reference.
Direct contracts using Snap4City as reference platform:
- Merano Municipality Smart Light
- Cuneo Municipality Smart City
- CN MOST, national center on Sustainable Mobility in Italy, national center on Sustainable Mobility. Snap4City is one of the platform used in training and testing of mobility solutions.
- EDIH Tuscany X.0, European Digital Innovation Hub, Tuscany X, Snap4City is reference platform used in training and testing of AI, a training has been already given on European EDIH accademy as a starting point for developers and researchers in the EDIH network
- SMART AMBULANCE activity started:
- ENEL-X: Continuing working on Open Data on the line of open data Challenge of ENEL-X
- Capelon (Sweden) - smart light solutions, center of Sweden area:
- Florence Metro City an ICT aspects of strategic plant of the Firenze Metro City
- Green Field Peas (soda) ALTAIR Chemical a Industry 4.0, Chemical plant:
- Green Impact ALTAIR Chimica - Industry 4.0 Chemical Plant
- ISPRA JRC EC research center 2019 and 2020 - site management and services, for JRC ISPRA area:
- Lonato del Garda , Reverberi - smart parking, environment, for Lonato del Garda:
- MobiMart: City of PISA, PISAMO - data aggregation, Living Lab:
- Select4Cities PCP - smart city platform PCP, Helsinki and Antwerp:
- SmartBed (laid), Materassificio Montalese - smart health:
- Cyprus smart city strategy, assigned winner.
- Italferr on Snap4, for data management and business intelligence.
- ENEL-X, monitoring energy services (via Snap4)
- Pretto, monitoring eVehicles and maintenance
- ARTER monitoring energy facilities
Projects and pilots using Snap4City as reference platform:
- OPTIFaaS: Operation and Plan, Transport Infrastructure and Facilities Support as a Service
- SASUAM: Solutions for Safe, Sustainable and Accessible Urban Mobility
- AMMIRARE: make the beach system more resilient to climate change risks through the implementation of natural based solutions
- TOURISMO: TOURism Innovative and Sustainable Management of flOws
- CAI4DSA: Collaborative explainable neuro-symbolic AI for Decision Support Assistant
- AMPERE Project - Furniture, art and fashion in an innovative electrochemical process with remote control and circular eco-friendly:
- Enterprise: internal living lab of a large chemical industry plant at the support of the internal research and analysis labs:
- 5G MIUR Wind3G, Industry 4.0 vs SmartCity, for Prato:
- GHOST MIUR: Strategies, smart city, for Cagliari:
- HeritData Interreg: tourism, culture and management:
- MOSAIC RT: mobility and transport:
- PC4City Ente Cassa: Civil protection for the City, Tuscany
- FeedBack on retail: suggestions and recommendations for improving the selling rates
- REPLICATE H2020 - ICT, smart City Control room for Florence, Energy, IOT:
- RESOLUTE H2020 - Resilience, ICT, Big Data, for Florence, Athen:
- Sii-Mobility SCN MIUR - mobility and transport, sustainability, the whole Tuscany:
- Smart Garda Lake - Castelnuovo del Garda:
- TRAFAIR CEF - Environment & transport, Florence, Pisa, Livorno, Modena and Santiago de Compostela:
- WEEE Life EC - Smart waste, environment:,
Recognitions and Awards to Snap4City, DISIT Lab
The Snap4City Platform:
- official solution of FIWARE: (the same information is on the public slides of the training course);
- Snap4City is a Powered by FIWARE Solution:
- Snap4City is certified to offer FIWARE Training Services:
- Snap4City is certified to offer FIWARE Consultancy Services:
- Winner of the Open Data challenge of ENEL-X:
- winner of Select4Cities PCP (by Antwerp, Copenhagen and Helsinki), in September 2019;
- official platform of EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) marketplace of the European Commission.
- with UNIFI LABGEO is a partner of ESRI the producer of ArcGIS, having a common lab since several years.
- GDPR compliant and enforces privacy and security for data, Dashboards, IoT Devices, IoT App, personal data, data analytics and processes, etc., which can be private of the user; and the user may delegate the access to them or pass the full control to other users.
- Snap4City is an official library of Node-RED
- Snap4City is a SigFOX partner
- Mobile Apps:
- Snap4Pisa: Pisa in a Snap:
- Weee Life Mobile App:
- e015 API platform exploit Km4City APi of Snap4City for many applications: regione lombardia.
- Comune Facile IOS:
- Comune Facile Android:
Snap4City solution passed PEN Test from Setek and Vulnerability Test from Thales in the 2019, they are mayor expert companies of the Cyber Security sector.