15-Minute City Index of ENEL-X is grounded on DISIT Lab 15MinCityIndex described in this page and links.
SLIDES to be downloaded https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/sites/default/files/files/ICCSA-15MinIndex-Slide-v0-2.pdf
- 22-24 September, University of Salerno, 7th Italian Conference on ICT for Smart Cities and Communities: http://www.icities2021.unisa.it/
Despite of the large discussions in the area of city strategies, the effective compliance assessment of each city area with respect to 15-Minute City concepts are still not clear in terms of computation. A huge amount of aspects have to be taken into account, such as: Housing, Govern, Safety, Culture and Cults Services, Environment, Slow Mobility, Fast Mobility, Sport, Economy/sustainability, Food, Health, Education, Services, Entertainment. Each of them may be assessed by taking into account a large number of factors and features. In this paper, 15MinCityIndexes model and its computability approach have been proposed. The proposed model is based on 13 different functions and addressed several features. In addition, the model has been produced by using a method that can be exploited to add more factors and details to the model when other kind of data may be available instead of those we found in our case. It has been produced and validated on Florence metro area which includes multiple cities and rural areas. The model and tools are accessible on a public online dashboard. The 15MinCityIndex approach described in this paper conquered the first place award and grant of the international ENEL-X open data challenge 2020.
- C. Badii, P. Bellini, D. Cenni, S. Chiordi, N. Mitolo, P. Nesi, M. Paolucci, "Computing 15MinCityIndexes on the basis of Open Data and Services", Proc. of the 2021 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Published on LNCS Springer.
- https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/sites/default/files/files/computing15minCityIndex_ICCSA_v0-3.pdf
The solution is a service and product to Drive Urban Transition as pushed by JPI Urban Europe supported by the European Commission towards sustainable and liveable urban futures districts. 15minCityIndex aims at assessing how much is served and sustainable each point of the city regarding: environment, health, energy, food, education, mobility, culture, economy and work, etc. Assessing how much is sustainable, liveable, safe, and satisfactory. The index impacts city authorities to understand where to invest, civil society and entrepreneurs to understand where to sale. The solution is based on Snap4City 100% open source platform, open data, and may be improved exploiting the ENEL data.
The tool “15MinCityIndex Dashboard” is accessible from
User Manual:
- The 15Min Index Heatmap can be selected from the left
- All the subindexes used for the estimation of the 15 Min Index can be selected to see the corresponding HeatMap
- If you click on the map the tool estimates (in a few seconds, please wait) the AREA profile in terms of all the Indexes and SubIndexes. The results are directly shown on the right side with a spidernet diagram and a barseries. The values present a range 1-5 according to the legenda shown, and 3 is considered satisfactory, 4 fairly good, 5 Good, 2 insufficient, and 1 critical.
- It is also possible to see the density of inhabitants in the area.
- Most of the indexes takes into account the services available, the population in the area, the PIL in the area and the capabilities of the services. Details are reported in a separate document.
The proposed General 15Min Index takes into account of data coming from 13 Domains of 15min subIndexes, and in particular from:
- Environment Idx: Environment suitability; as air quality, green area, waste, noise level, water quality, etc.;
- Economy Idx: Economy and work, income, job suitability; as balance of offer and demand of work, PIL produced in the area proportioned/satisfactory to the amount of people;
- Housing Idx: Housing and Building suitability; as level of services in the building, values of them, etc.;
- Health Idx: Health service suitability; as number, quality and capabilities of the health services in the area proportioned/satisfactory to the amount of people;
- Food Services Idx: Catering and Subsistence services suitability; as number, and capabilities of the food and catering services in the area proportioned/satisfactory to the amount of people;
- Education Idx: Education services suitability index; as number, quality and capabilities of the educational services in the area for the different ages proportioned/satisfactory to the amount of students;
- Slow Mobility Idx: Slow Mobility and transport infrastructure and services suitability index; as number, quality and capabilities of the slow mobility services in the area proportioned/satisfactory to the amount of people;
- Govern Services Idx: Government services suitability index; as number, quality and capabilities of the gov services in the area proportioned/satisfactory to the amount of people;
- Security Safety Idx: Security and safety services suitability index; as number, quality and capabilities of the security and safety services in the area proportioned/satisfactory to the amount of people;
- Culture and cults Idx: Culture and cults services suitability index; as number, quality and capabilities of the cultural and religion services in the area proportioned/satisfactory to the amount of people;
- Entertainment Social Idx: Entertainment and social services suitability index; as number, quality and capabilities of the services in the area proportioned/satisfactory to the amount of people;
- Fast Mobility Idx: Fast Mobility and transport services suitability: as number, quality and capabilities of the medium and long distance mobility services in the area proportioned/satisfactory to the amount of people;
- Sport Services Idx: Sport services suitability index: as number and capabilities of the sport services in the area proportioned/satisfactory to the amount of people;
For additional information please contact paolo.nesi@unifi.it