For accidents and maintenance tickets, incident management, ticketing workflow, we intend:
- any events that may lead to the intervention of some team in the city or in the industrial plant, they can be programmed or may occur for same reason.
- events for maintenance and/or for rescue teams.
- very simple events which can be solved by actions performed by a single person as well as complex activities involving several people and phases, uto to their formal closure.
Those kind of accidents/tickets are typically managed by Workflow systems that allow to define and manage:
- accident/ticket classification and coding
- workflow for each classified type of accident/ticket
- user interface for collecting data and metadata regarding the accident, and controlling its evolution in the several offices
- reports that can be produced for each phase of the accident evolution according to its workflow
- eventual metrics and KPI to assess the quality of the accident solution such as: time to react, time to perform, number of people involved, cost, cost of the material, distance, time taken to solve, etc.
As workflow management tool for maintenance/tickets and rescue we suggest to use OpenMaint, which is an open source we typically use on these cases. and we have successfully used for a number of large cases by us integrated with Snap4City and with our Business Intelligence tool for Predictive Maintenance, see for example: Scenario: High Level Control of Industrial Plant (industry 4.0)
Snap4City can be easily integrated to any other workflow management system solutions.
So that the integration of Snap4City with workflow management system can be very simple or sophisticated depending on your applications, but is can be performed by using IOT Applications that can also access to your plant /city data and context. The integration of Snap4city with workflow management system for managing tickets for maintenance/tickets or eventually for rescue teams, etc. can be easily performed by defining the interaction on Dashboards and the flows via the IOT Applications. The main functionalities from the IOT Application MicroServices are provided with a list of Special Blocks/node for Node-RED that allow you to:
- get list of active processes,
- access to the status of a process,
- access to the possible next states of a process,
- change the status or send of a message to change it,
- receive an event about the change of status of a given process.
- confirm the completion of an action from the operators to the system
- activate a new ticket and action into the workflow
Typically, the solutions for workflow management can produce reports regarding any elements of the workflow. The Workflow can be customized as well as the reports. Examples can be: incidents and events occurrence, taking in charge of them, planning the actions, acquisition of the action from a team, final actions performed and closure of the event.
A specific test cases if presented on TC 1.24 – Integrated Ticketing and Facility Management system