Test Case Title |
TC1.5 - Dashboards showing a range of different High Level Types: KPI, POI, IOT dev, MicroApp, Maps using different kind of Graphics Widget. Monitor city status with Dashboards |
Goal |
I can
Prerequisites |
Using a PC or Mobile with a web browser. |
Expected successful result |
Access to the dashboards accessible by the links and see them, see data updated with the interval declared by each widget and the time elapsed. If you push F11 you can go and exit from full screen. The same happen with the click on the left up corner small icon of the dashboard. |
Steps |
Please note that some of the following links could be accessible only for registered users.
Snap4City solution provides both user friendly dashboard and API.
The Snap4City User friendly dashboards are capable to represent data as:
- KPI, POI, Sensors/Actuators (collected by IOT and/or ETL),
- Dashboard-IOT App: which are virtual sensors produced by dashboards
- Special as Service status: Web service status, API status and consumption, datacenter status, back office condition and traffic, etc.
- External Services: traffic flow reconstruction, buss tracking, Twitter Vigilance, other ServiceMaps of other cities, Km4City HTML5 Application, Wi-Fi tracking and status, etc.
- MicroApplications: search of POI, routing, search of public transport, parking forecast, pollution, pollination, first aid, etc.
- MyPersonalData: what I have saved from the IOT Applications
- Complex events: event from city, events of entertainment, etc.
Dashboard allows showing data compositing a large set of Widgets see also its usage on Https://www.km4city.org:
- For Data: charts, tables, time trends, histograms, maps, list, interaction elements, heat maps, actuators, red light, etc., )
- For maps-based such as ServiceMap/ServiceMap3D, OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, with more features and data drill down to historical data base and relationships among entities in the city.
- special graphic model: Weather forecast, lists, selector,
Snap4City API collection
- includes: Advanced Smart City API (search and queries KB to collected data, suggestion, routing, public transport real time data and timelines, pollution, pollination, first aid status, etc.), IOT Device Registration API, Notificator API, DISCES Scheduler API, Km4City Web App API, Resource Manager API, also called ProcessLoader API; Sensor API for collecting detailed data from Mobile device as sensors.
- documented in SWAGGER
- tested in Postman
- working on knowledge base such as: ServiceMap, disit.org">LOG.disit.org, Flint for SPARQL query, etc.
The following list links to different dashboards showing a range of different High-Level Type sources. In particular:
Complex events:
- List of entertainment events with a map showing the geoposition
- List of traffic events in Florence with a map showing the position
- Selector widget (1) showing recreative events in Florence. By clicking an item in the list, the map (2) shows the service selected. The selection is incremental (more services can be loaded in the map).
- Traffic events selector widget (3). By clicking an event in the list the map (4) shows the event selected. The selection is incremental (more services can be loaded in the map).
- Web cameras example (5).
- Example of dashboard with an IOT application
- Twitter vigilance and Twitter vigilance Real Time external services
- Histograms, vertical and horizontal
- Lines, curved lines
- Pies
- Complex pies
- Radar widget
- https://main.snap4city.org/view/index.php?iddasboard=MTAw
In Snap4City solution, KPI are saved into the Knowledge Base and especially into the Dashboard Engine database. They may be values associated to GPS and date/time, but also data values associated with entities and thus referring to their shapes (region), paths (lines, trajectories, etc.), regions, city, administrations, etc. This means that the drill down capability for KPI information, such as those collected and managed by the Dashboard Engine, would be not fully possible.
The Developer Dashboards are mainly based on the idea of having data values distributed on time and space. A perfect structure for the collection, browsing and drill down exploiting SOLR index with faceted filtering, etc. On the other hand, KPI are typically not always organized in that manner.
In the next iterations would be possible to analyse if the KPI information may be indexed in some manner to allow performing drill down on time according to some faceted view. (not yet available)
HUE solution acting on the MySQL directly, while the Banana needs to solarize the MySQL
KPI Dashboards, see for examples, some Dashboard for other Cities and Regions:
- Environment
- To test click on the link to see a live example:
- https://main.snap4city.org/view/index.php?iddasboard=MTA4
- https://main.snap4city.org/view/index.php?iddasboard=MTU3
- Resilience
- To test click on the link to see a live example:
- https://main.snap4city.org/view/index.php?iddasboard=MTYz
- https://main.snap4city.org/view/index.php?iddasboard=MTI5
- Mobility and Transport:
- To test click on the link to see a live example:
- https://main.snap4city.org/view/index.php?iddasboard=MTE5
- Cross widget interaction:
- To test click on the link to see a live example:
- https://main.snap4city.org/view/index.php?iddasboard=MTI0
- https://main.snap4city.org/view/index.php?iddasboard=MTU1
- Firenze Public Wi-Fi monitoring:
- To test click on the link to see a live example:
- https://main.snap4city.org/view/index.php?iddasboard=MzM=
- Data in tables:
- To test click on the link to see a live example:
- https://main.snap4city.org/view/index.php?iddasboard=Nzc=
- Smart City API statistics, KPI on API:
- To test click on the link to see a live example:
- https://main.snap4city.org/view/index.php?iddasboard=MTkw
- City Services:
- To test click on the link to see a live example:
- https://main.snap4city.org/view/index.php?iddasboard=NjQ=
- Smart City Data overview:
- To test click on the link to see a live example:
- https://main.snap4city.org/view/index.php?iddasboard=ODM=
- https://main.snap4city.org/view/index.php?iddasboard=MTAw
- Monitoring Parking in two different Micro Applications