For all kind of users, from Managers to AreaManagers. To have a deeper knowledge about using IOT Devices, create IOT devices, IOT Edges, using Lora, using Android, Raspberry, etc., into Snap4City!
- TC9.1. IOT Discovery overview
- TC9.2. Managing heterogeneous File Ingestion, protocols, formats via IOT applications, and open standards
- TC9.3. Managing data sets with IOT Applications, and exploiting DataGate
- TC9.4. IOT application exploiting Edge computing with Raspberry, time series, MyKPI
- TC9.5. Creating IOT Applications coping with heterogeneous data
- TC9.6. IOT Application on Android
- TC9.7. Connection from LoraWan Dragino/arduino to Orion broker
- TC9.8. Developing new MicroService/node of Node-RED IOT Application
- TC9.9. Indexing IOT and ETL data changes into a unique location for search via Developer Dashboard (Multiprotocol Subscriber and Indexer)
- TC9.10. Managing multiple protocols City, human, machine and their several combinations
- TC9.11. Management of Delegations on an IoT Device
- TC9.12. Management of Delegations on a sensor of an IoT Device
- TC9.13: How to upload a local file into your IOT Application
- TC9.14: How to use a Mobile Phone Android as IOT Edge with IOT Applications in Node-RED
- TC9.15: PAXCounters of different kinds: Counting the number of people
- TC9.16 – Web Scraping to get data from web pages
- TC9.17 – CKAN vs Snap4City Integration and Interaction
- TC9.18: Advanced Features of Sensors Actuators of Dashboards vs IOT App
- TC9.19: Custom Widgets / Synoptics controlled by IOT Applications
- TC9.20: Remote Control of IOT Applications on IOT Edge Devices
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