TC9.2 - Managing heterogeneous File Ingestion, protocols, formats via IOT applications, and open standards

Test Case Title

TC9.2 - Managing heterogeneous File Ingestion, protocols, formats via IOT applications, and open standards


I can

  • Manage heterogeneous files of different kind with Snap4City Application.
  • Manage heterogeneous protocols with Snap4City Application.
  • Manage formats and communication with open standards


Using a PC or Mobile with a web browser. You need a Snap4City account.

The following functionalities are available only for specific Snap4city users with specific privileges.

Expected successful result

Generation of flows of data corresponding to the selected sensors. The sensors is retrieved from the context brokers in which they are registered.




In this case, several Node-RED blocks are available for accessing data in a specific format (XML, CSV, HTML, YALM, JSON) and translate them into the JavaScript Object representation. Once the data are represented in this target format, it can be easily and uniformly processed and transformed for the application needs. The same Node-RED blocks can be exploited for exporting a value in the JavaScript Object representation in the corresponding format. Once the data have been processed, they can be visualized in a dashboard or stored into a Big Data Storage and/or Knowledge Base by using some Block.

  1. You can start testing this requirement by following the sequence of actions:
    • Open a Flow in your cloud (TC2.1a) or local (TC2.1b) IotApplication
    • Import for testing the flow  "TC9.2..." with the steps described in TC2.13 (on cloud) or import it from a file (if you have not an IOT Application on cloud)
  2. You can click on the button  to deploy the application and then click on the inject button . The result of the translation can be seen in the debug section (right hand side part of the page). The info tab (right hand side part of the page) contains comment on the current experiment (description of the current scenario and expected result).

In this list the correct name of the resource to download (from Resource Manager or clicking on the name or following the step on TC2.13 ) for testing the protocols