- TC6.1. Managing DataSets via DataGate: ingest, search, download, upload, annotate, share
- TC6.2. Search on DataGate for Data Sets
- TC6.3. Creating ETL processes for automated data ingestion and data transformation
- TC6.4. Managing ETL processes via Resource Manager, upload, execute, monitor
- TC6.5. Managing Heterogeneous File Ingestion via ETL processes
- TC6.6. Producing data-sets in Bundle via ETL
- TC6.7. Producing data-set in Bundle/Bulk via IOT Application
- TC6.8. ETL processes for data transformation, and exploiting MicroServices/API/RestCall
- TC6.9. ETL processes for multiprotocol and format data ingestion, see on GITHUB for library
- TC6.10. ETL Applications using multiple protocols, and formats for files and to calling services using REST and WS
- TC6.11. Add a new ETL coping with a new Protocol
- TC6.12 How to Create GTFS File Ingestion via ETL (Extract Transform Load): the case of Helsinki
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