TC6.7 - Producing data-set in Bundle/Bulk via IOT Application


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Test Case Title

TC6.7 - Producing data-set in Bundle/Bulk via IOT Application


I can:

Create a new snap4city IOT application, a flow, which can control back office processes managed by the DISCES scheduler

Create Snap4City Application controlling back office processes.


Using a PC or Mobile with a web browser. The user has to be registered, and an IOT Application has been provided to him/her under request or automatically by the system. The user has to be authorized to communicate with the DISCES to control tasks and processes in the smart city back office.

The following functionalities are available only for specific Snap4city users with specific privileges.

Expected successful result

Controlling processes in the back office




  1. In this test case we can see how easy it is to interface with the node-red blocks to the DISCES tool, which also manages the ETL processes.
  2. Follows the steps on TC2.28 - Snap4City MicroServices for Snap4City platform management from IOT Applications, feature of reflection.