Test Case Title |
TC6.11 - Add a new ETL coping with a new Protocol |
Goal |
Snap4City, provide support for real time analytics which is performed by using a set of services. One of these is the possibility to: |
Prerequisites |
Using a PC or Mobile with a web browser The following functionalities are available only for specific Snap4city users with specific privileges. |
Expected successful result |
Create an ETL process for data transformation directly in the snap4city context. |
Steps |
Please note that to correctly perform this Test Case you need and access to the ETL Virtual Machine as described below. To have access to a Virtual Machine to perform ETL please contact snap4city@disit.org. You can download the VM and use on your premise. |
Users roles for which this test case is available: Area Manager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin
Users roles for which the test case is not available: Manager
User used to describe the Example: ‘snap4city’
- Login on the snap4city platform
- Open the VM from the snap4city home page
- Create the ETL processes DIRECTLY from the Virtual Machine in the snap4city portal
Example 0: Login on the snap4city platform
Users roles for which this test case is available: All
User used to describe this Examples: ‘snap4city’ (role: AreaManager)
- Go to the snap4city home page
- Make the login
- I can see the snap4city home page
- Now you can select one of the functionalities on the left panel
- Note that the list of the functionalities depends on the user role (and on the related permissions).
Fig: snap4city home page (after login).
Example 1: Open the VM from the snap4city home page
Users roles for which this test case is available: AreaManager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin
User used to describe this Examples: ‘snap4city’ (role: AreaManager)
- Open the VM from the snap4city home page (Example 1)
- Go to the snap4city home page
- Make the login
- If the user has the developer permissions (as provided for the ‘AreaManager’), he/she finds the menu ‘Development Tools > ETL development’
- Click on the menu and insert the correct password (the same credentials two times)
Fig.: vnc connection.
Fig.: Virtual machine connection.
Example 2: Create the ETL processes DIRECTLY from the Virtual Machine in the snap4city portal
Users roles for which this test case is available: AreaManager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin
User used to describe this Examples: ‘snap4city’ (role: AreaManager)
- Make the login on the snap4city portal and open the Virtual Machine (Example 1)
- To create an ETL process, it is necessary the use of the Pentaho Kettle tool Spoon (http://www.pentaho.com) installed on the Virtual Machine available in the snap4city portal
ETL creation, follow these steps:
- Locate a dataset of interest, that can be static (e.g., the ‘http://www.nk.hel.fi/avoindata/avoin_data-avustukset.xls’) or real-time, then you can create the ETL (Extract Transform and Load) process to ingest the data.
- Open Spoon via a Terminal emulator (search the Icon at the bottom of the screen or click on ‘Application’ menu > ‘Terminal Emulator’), then write the command ‘spoon.sh’ and click ‘enter’.
Fig. –Virtual Machine (VM) Terminal Emulator (command line).
- The Spoon Interface will open, now it is possible to create/load ETL processes.
Fig.: Spoon Interface.
- Create a new ETL MANAGING a new Protocolo, for example the ‘OneM2M’. Crete the ETL with a double click on the tab ‘jobs’ (or a right click and select ‘New’) in the left menu.
Fig.: Spoon search the menu for a new job.
- Then a new job ‘OneM2M’ is created (you can save/find it in the VM folder ‘/home/ubuntu/Desktop/snap4cityETL/Create_Snap4city_ETL_Sample‘). You can add to it the following blocks with the drag and drop functionality and connect each block with the hooks:
- The ‘Start’ step
- A new Transformation ‘OneM2M_protocol’
- The Success step
Fig.: Spoon new job.
- In the ‘OneM2M_protocol’ Transformation, you can manage the data download with the new protocol (from the job, right click > Open Referenced Object > Transformation):
- You can use a javascript block ‘Parameters’ (in the tab ‘Design>Scripting>Modified Java Script Value’) and insert the credential as spoon variables:
- Put the new variables in the javascript block (e.g. XM2MOrigin, XM2MRI, Accept=’application’, Authorization)
- These variables must be passed as output variables of the block (‘Output fields’)
- Now use the HTTP block (‘OneM2M_protocol’) and connect it with the previous ‘Parameters’ block. Fill the fields:
- URL: ‘web service from which you want to take data’
- Method: select the method used (e.g. HTTP)
- Application type: select the application type (es. JSON)
- Result field name: choose the name of the spoon variable into which the data are saved (e.g. ‘result’)
- Write the data in a file:
- Use a set of transformation block (if needed, for example the ‘Design>Transform> Replace in string’ step present in the following figure)
- Use the block to the ‘Design>Output>Text file output and choose the directory (e.g. ‘home/ubuntu/Desktop/ETL_Output/OneM2M’), the file name (‘Result’) and its extension (‘json’)
- Now you can launch your new ETL, from the job (click on ) and verify the presence of the results (‘Results.json’ file)