Test Case Title |
TC1.9 - Search on Wizard for any kind of data managed into the platform, from POI to sensors, KPI, social, etc. |
Goal |
I can:
Prerequisites |
A snap4city user registered on the Snap4City portal |
Expected successful result |
Steps |
In this Test case, the main search functionalities of the Wizard are presented. The Wizard has been created for the following main goals:
- Supporting the users in understanding which graphical widget can be used to show each certain type of data, IOT Device, MicroApplication, event or service.
- Supporting the user in shortening the time in producing a dashboard and a widget into dashboard.
- Helping the users to monitor in a simple manner the status of data sources.
The Wizard presents:
- A map on which the selected sources are shown if they have a GPS location among their attributes. Please note that generic view and KPI may not be associated to a location immediately;
- A list of graphic icons representing widgets for showing data sources: maps, trends, gauge, kiviat, tables, semaphore, images, selector, histograms, switch, speed limit, bars, time trend etc. The widget icons are divided into Single-Data and Multi-Data widgets, depending on whether each widget have been designed to represent a single value, or rather a set of multiple values. The visualization of these icons is dynamically filtered on the basis of the multiple filter selection activated by the user.
- A list of Data Sources, from POI to sensors, from web applications to external services, from KPI to web app and special data as Twitter data, civil protection, triage of hospitals, etc. This table fields (columns) are all alphabetically orderable by clicking on the column labels, and all the columns provide a filter box for allowing multi-facet exploration of data.
- A list of Chosen Data Sources, showing the data sources selected by the user from the above list.
In the Wizard all kind of data sources (High Level Type) are listed and may be selected (from POI to sensors, from external services to micro applications, etc.). This allows the user to immediately identify which kind of graphical views/widgets can be applied for rendering the data selected and vice versa: if the user select the graphic view, the data to be visualized are automatically identified/filtered. Moreover, the user may select one or multiple data (lines) in the table. When multiple selections is performed, the production of a Dashboard or Wizard is possible only using suitable Multi-Data widgets.
Example 1: Learn how to search all kind of data and filtering by the different Wizard categories
- Log in the Snap4City portal and click on the “Dashboards” menu item on the left-side bar:
You can search and explore all kind of data on the new version of the Wizard, which is accessible by clicking on the “New Dashboard” yellow button on the top-right side of the screen:
- You can access the new Wizard also by editing a Dashboard you own:
- Once the Dashboard Wizard is opened, choose the “Data and widgets” panel:
- In the “Data and widgets” panel of the Dashboard Wizard, you can search any kind of data managed by the Snap4City back-end architecture. Thanks to the Km4City Ontology, the data are visualized in a taxonomy with the following meaning:
High Level Type: (see these slides for the full list and description of HLT: https://www.snap4city.org/download/video/slide-09-07-2019/
- Complex Event: traffic event, entertainment, critical event, civil protection, etc.
- Dashboard-IOT App: interaction on both sides among dashboards and IOT Applications: on one side, that is From Dashboard to IOT App, usually represent Dashboard actuators (for instance, a button) sending a command to an IOT Application; on the other side, From IOT App to Dashboard, represent a visual rendering of an IOT Application data into the Dashboard.
- External Service: a web page including a third-party service for the dashboard
- KPI: key index of the city, some quality index, some percentage of work, total energy consumed, total amount of money, etc.
- MicroApplication: they are web pages exposing micro functionalities that can be part of more complex applications such as: parking and parking prediction, view on events, view on hospital near to me, etc.
- My Personal Data: private users’ data. For privacy regulation and management according to the requirements, these data are filtered on the basis of the different users’ sessions, so that only users who own their data can view them. Users who don’t have the ownership on some data can view them only if they have a delegation from those data owner(s).
- POI: Point of interest, each POI category includes a list of services in the city such as: restaurants, museum, benches, parking, including also Smart City sensors etc.
- MyKPI, MyPOI: include also trajectories
- heatmaps: they can be produced with different kind styles and are typically on: PM10, PM2.5, temperature, wind, noise, humidity, dev point, NO2, SO2, etc. etc.
- Sensor: they are sensors coming from IOT Directory and thus from the IOT brokers, taken directly or via some ETL.
- Sensor-Actuator: these are actuators usually created on users’ Dashboard and actuating on some IOT Devices. They have such a dual essence of Actuator and Sensor since an actuator acting on a certain IOT Device generate an event which can be measured (for instance, a button actuated on a user dashboard may change the status of a device like a semaphore light) so that the result can be read back by the user as if he/she was observing a Sensor.
- WFS: gis data sources
- Special Widget: they are special micro-widget for rendering data in special manner such as: civil protection alert, weather forecast, first aid triage status.
- Nature, as a specification of the above listed High-Level Types. This level includes the ServiceMap taxonomy (https://servicemap.snap4city.org) which is used for Nature classification for the following High-Level Types: POI, MicroApplications, KPI, Special Widget, Complex Event (actually all the Dashboard Wizard filter levels are not mutually exclusive, in order to reflect the semantic complexity and the high heterogeneity of Snap4City data and model):
- Accommodation
- Advertising
- Agriculture and Livestock
- Assistance
- Civil and Edil Engineering
- Cultural Activity
- Education and Research
- Emergency
- Entertainment
- Environment
- Financial
- Financial Service
- Government and Security
- Government Office
- HealthCare
- Industry and Manufacturing
- Infrastructure: KPI of the Smart City
- Mining and Quarrying
- Mobility and Transport
- Shopping
- Shopping and Services
- Tourism Service
- Transfer Service and Renting
- Utilities and Supply
- Wholesale
- Wine and Food
In addition to the ServiceMap taxonomy, further Nature categories are present for sub-classification of the “Dashboard-IOT App” High-Level Type, that is data coming from/to Dashboard to/from IOT Apps:
- From Dashboard to IOT App: Dashboard actuators sending some commands to an IOT Application.
- From Dashboard to IOT Device: Dashboard actuators sending some commands to real world IOT Devices.
- From IOT App to Dashboard: A visual rendering of IOT App data into the Dashboard.
- From IOT Device to KB: IOT Sensors registered by some broker on the Knowledge Base (personal IOT devices providing several different kinds of data and measures).
The Nature categories for the “Personal Data” High-Level Type are defined by the users:
- <User Defined Personal Data 1>
- <User Defined Personal Data 2>
- …
- <User Defined Personal Data n>
Additional Nature categories have been defined for the “External Service” and “Special Widget” High-Level Type:
- Generic
- Km4City Application (HTML5 application)
- Services POI and IOT
- Social: Twitter, people monitoring, etc.
- Time
- SubNature, which is a classification of more than 600 subcategories which further specify the former Nature classification.
- Value Type, the type of the data and metrics, such as: temperature, humidity, position, etc.
- Value name: the identified and/or name of the instance of the IOT Device or App, sensor, POI, etc. In this case it is provided a full text box search as filtering, since the Value name
- Data Type: the technical type of the data such as integer, float, status, etc.
- Last Date: the date and time of the last measure obtained, if any.
- Last Value: the value of the last measure obtained, if any.
- Healthiness: a green/red semaphore describing the healthiness of the Sensor.
- Last Check: the date and time of the last Healthiness check performed.
- Ownership: describes the ownership of data. It can assume the following literal values:
- public - if the data, device or app is publicly visible,
- private (My Own) - if the data is private and owned by the currently logged user, and
- private (Delegated) - if the private data is owned by another registered user, which previously provided a delegation for the currently logged user to allow him/her to view those data.
Example 2: Search for POI and Sensors and create/edit a Dashboard with the most suitable widgets to visualize searched data
- Log in the Snap4City portal and click on the “Dashboards” menu item on the left-side bar:
- You can search and explore all kind of data on the new version of the Dashboard Wizard, which is accessible by clicking on the “New Dashboard” yellow button on the top-right side of the screen:
- You can access the new Dashboard Wizard also by editing a Dashboard you own:
- Once the Dashboard Wizard is opened, choose the “Data and widgets” panel:
- In the “Data and widgets” panel of the Dashboard Wizard, click the High-Level Type filter box in the Data Source list, de-select all the filter items (by firstly unchecking the “Select-all” item), and then select the “Sensor” and “POI” categories.
Please note how the visualization of both the Single-data and Multi-data widget icons change in the top-right corner of the Wizard (accordingly to the active multiple filter selection selected by the user), in order to let the user use only those widgets which are suitable to represent currently filtered data. In this way the user can gradually learn to know the different widgets functionalities and associate them to the displayed data.
- You can further filter by Nature, SubNature, Value Type etc. in order to explore and order data at the desired level of detail, check for healthiness etc... For example, click on the Nature filter box, de-select all the filter items (by firstly unchecking the “Select-all” item), and then select the “Environment” category.
- Click on the on the SubNature filter box, de-select all the filter items (by firstly unchecking the “Select-all” item), and then select the “Weather sensor” category.
- After filtering, whenever you have found data of your interest, choose a desired geographic area by adjusting the zoom and bounds of the map on the top-left of the Wizard. Now try to select a data source from the list, for example if you are interested in geographically visualize a whole category of point of interests, click on the record representing the POI – Environment – Weather sensor category. By this action, you select the whole set of weather sensors (both IOT Sensor data and Smart City sensor data ingested via ETL) registered in the Km4City Knowledge Base, according to the ServiceMap taxonomy, which are displayed on the map.
- Now you can select a suitable widget for displaying the data you have selected on your dashboard. For example, select the Multi-data widget which combine a map for POI visualization and a Selector bar for POI SubNature selection (in case there were multiple different POI categories), to allow the user to show/hide desired POI (see the next figure).
- Now you can finally instantiate the new widget on your dashboard by clicking on the “Confirm” button in the bottom-right corner of the Wizard.
- If you are interested in a single Sensor with the same Nature and SubNature, you can further search the device(s) of interest by navigating among the data records in the list having “Sensor” as High-Level Type. Before, that, click again on the POI data source, in order to deselect it and remove the corresponding layers on the map. Then, click to select a single Sensor device, for example the one named “SensoreViaBolognese” device, which is a public Smart City sensor ingesting weather data via ETL, such as air and road temperature, humidity, wind speed etc. In this case, a single marker is displayed on the map (which was included in the previously selected POI – Environment – Wheather sensor category), showing only the selected single sensor.
- Click on an available widget icon, for example the Multi-Data widget combining a map for data visualization and additional bar/line graph for real-time historical data visualization (as shown in the next figure):
- Finally, click on the “Confirm” button in the bottom-right corner of the Wizard to create and instantiate your new widget on your dashboard.
- Now you can click on the Sensor marker displayed on map to view all real-time data (if present and available) the sensor is measuring.
- You can then adjust and customize all the graphical aspects by using the new contextual menu, which allow to edit Dashboard title, sub-title, adjust the size and colours of widgets etc.