TC7.3 - Download data from AMMA (Application and MicroService Monitor and Analyser), ResDash (Resource Dashboard) and DevDash (Development Dashboard) tools


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Test Case Title

TC7.3 - Download data from AMMA (Application and MicroService Monitor and Analyser), ResDash (Resource Dashboard) and DevDash (Development Dashboard) tools


Login and access the AMMA, ResDash and DevDash tools to download displayed data for further analysis.

Learn which kinds of data and from which kinds of panels and widgets they can be downloaded.


Using a PC or Mobile with a web browser. A snap4city user registered on the Snap4City portal.

The following functionalities are available only for specific Snap4city users with specific privileges.

Expected successful result

See the dashboard and play with them. The user can access to the dashboard and perform a number of actions to drill down on data, on time, facet, kind of data, etc.

Once performed the selection, the user exports and download data in different formats (CSV, XML, JSON) from AMMA, ResDash and DevDash tools.

Downloaded data that can be used for data analytic and study or be published on DataGate as data set in bulk.




Please note that some of the following links could be accessible only for registered users.

In this test case, the necessary steps are illustrated to allow a Snap4City registered user to export and download data, in order to perform further analysis, from the AMMA, ResDash and DevDash tools. The bulk open data set for analytical purposes can be produced from different contexts as follows.

Both the modalities of Bulk Data production (manually and automated) would be accessible for developers. The Automated production is more flexible in terms of: (i) scripting and selecting data type, (ii) velocity, (iii) automation and automated publication on DataGate/CKAN.



Example 1: Access, export and download  data from AMMA, ResDash and DevDash tools

You can start testing this requirement by following the sequence of actions:


  1. Log in the Snap4City portal and click on the “Management” menu item on the left-side bar. A sub-menu opens, in which you can find a list of management tools, including “Traffic Analyzer: AMMA” (Application and MicroService Monitor and Analyser), “Data Analyzer: DevDash” (Development Dashboard) and “Backoffice Resource Analyzer: ResDash” (Resource Dashboard) tools.

Click first on the “Traffic Analyzer: AMMA”:



  1. Navigate among the dashboard panels to find which kinds of data (and from which kinds of panels). When you find the floppy disk save icon    on the top-right corner of a panel, then you can export and download AMMA data as displayed in that panel. The panels named “Terms” and “Table” allow to export and download data.


  1. For example, scroll down in the AMMA dashboard page and click upon a export-disk icon on one of the Terms panel (equivalently on bar/pie charts), then select the desired format for you downloaded data (among CSV, XML and JSON) and the maximum number of rows you want to download (see next figure):




  1. When you have selected your preferences, a system window opens asking the user the path where to download exported data. Select a path from your system storage, then click “Ok” and the file is saved in your computer.



  1. Now scroll down to the table at the bottom of the AMMA. Perform drill down on time, different fields, facet, etc. Then, if you want to export data displayed in the table as, for example, CSV, click on the export-disk icon, chose the CSV format and the path on your computer to save the exported file.



  1. You can now import all the saved data in your favourite tools for further analysis.


  1. In a similar way you can export and download data from DevDash and ResDash tools. In the next figures you can see some examples of data export and saved from DevDash and ResDash tools, respectively.