This Case address the condition in which the IOT Device is not yet registered to any IOT broker, and thus it has to be registered before to an IOT Broker as first step. If you chose to connect to the Snap4City IoT Broker, the connection will be performed automatically. In alternative, if you prefer to register your device to a third party broker you have to do it as first step and then pass to read: HOW TO: Add an IOT Device on Snap4City platform that is already registered on an external IOT Broker
- Click on left main menu “IOT Directory and Devices” --> “IOT Device”
- Since device is not present on the platform, you can add it clicking the Button “New Device”
3) Once clicked the New Device Button a pop up appear as in the following figure in whcih several details are requested and can be filled if necessary. Not all of them may be necessary but are presented to you to verify. They are: IOT Broker, Info, Position and Values. let us now to proceed in order.
Tab “IoT Broker”
ContextBroker: select the context IOT Broker this IOT Device has to be registered and configured (depending on the organization of the user can be “orionHelsinki-UNIFI” ContextBroker or “orionAntwerp-UNIFI” ContextBroker). Depending on your selection the following data may be automatically filled:
Kind: it can be a sensor or an actuator (usually, it is a sensor)
Protocol: it depends on the configuration of the device (usually it is nsgi)
Format: it depends on the configuration of the device (it usually json)
For example, for the Helsinki Orion Broker:
Tab “Info” for example
Name: insert the unique identifier of your device;
Model: select the model of the device or “Custom” if your device is not directly supported by the Platform. The user can choose model on the basis of the type of the Device. For example, see detailed information about an IoT Button device Snap4All IOT Button: based on ESP32, NGSI compliant secure connection, an Arduino device Snap4City: Arduino & ESP8266 IOT Device NGSI, a Raspberry device Creating: IOT Device, Raspberry Pi based, totally compliant with Snap4City. In Snap4City your can find specific web pages for each of them.
Device Type: insert the type of the device;
Mac Address: insert the Mac Address of the device. This information can be omitted
Edge-Gateway Type and Edge Gateway URI: This information can be omitted
Producer: insert a label that indicate the manufactory of the device; This information can be omitted
Frequency 600 sec: leave the default value
Ownership: each device is initially create as private for default. For the test you can leave the default value, you can always change the ownership of the device later as specified in TC9.11- Management of Delegations on an IoT Device and TC9.12- Management of Delegations on a sensor of an IoT Device
Key1 and Key2: press the Generate Key button in case you want to generate a new pair of keys to be used to access this device. In some device models these keys have to be the same one specified from the manufactory (i.e. Sigfox) in some other configurations are generated automatically by the Platform
For example, for a Raspberry device named “demo.device001”:
Position: for example
Point a position on the map to select the latitude and longitude information where this device is installed
Values: for example
Add here all the sensor’s values produced by the registered device. This set of information strongly depends on the hardware of the device
4) When all the information has been inserted, please press the Button “Confirm” to terminate the registration of the device.
5) Then, after about 10 minutes, the IOT Device and corresponding data will be accessible, and you will find them into the list of your data in the Data Inspector view, for Dashboards, etc., go in the Data Inspector to search your data by GPS location, name, nature as you like.
6) To check if the device has been correctly added to the Platform, it’s possible to search the device by its name.
7) To check if the sensor’s values has been correctly configured on the Platform, the user has to press, from the left main menu, the button called “Data Inspector”
Here the user needs to insert in the search box the name of the device. The list of the sensor’s values related to the registered device has to appear in the filtered list (the refresh of this list is scheduled every 10 minutes, so in case the device does not appear immediately, wait a maximum interval of time of 10 minutes.)