Dashboard Info: Monitoring My PAXCounter and Tracks (example)

This dashboard aims at providing to the city operator managing a pax counter sensor a control panel to control the pax counter they have and a view on tracks and values generated by mobile PAX Coutner LORA or Mobile Phones, etc. The dashboad has been produced by Snap4City team, you can find more and more information on Https//www.snap4city.org 

Dashboard Link: https://www.snap4city.org/dashboardSmartCity/view/index.php?iddasboard=MTc0NQ==


On the left you can monitor the widgets related to the trend of the observed pax counter measures (Values from your sensor):

  • Real Time people counting: daily trend of the number of people near your business activity updated every a few minutes.
  • axwifitest001 - WIFI - Last Week: last week trend of the number of people near your business activity updated every a few minutes. At the left of the widget trend can be visualized the last updated value.
  • axwifitest001 - WIFI - Last Month: last month trend of the number of people near your business activity updated every a few minutes. 

On the right you can select to see on map (maps or other kind of representations):

  • Origin Dest. Matrix: clicking on points in the map is possible to see the most probably incoming or outcoming flows from that point to the mostly uised destination points in the time slot. This means that the tool allows to perform an analysis of the people movements in the area (see below). The tool may be used to perform Inflow and Outflow analysis on the basis of the data collected from the "Antwerp in Snap" mobile application. By the tool, it is possible to select the time slots, the modality of showing the data, etc. The tool allows you to select the zoom at which you can do the analysis. 
  • Typical Trajectories: visualization of typical trajectories per hour in the Antwerp area (see below). The trajectories are clustered together to extract for comulation the most relevant and freequently used paths. The tool allows you to select the zoom at which you can do the analysis. 

  • MyTracks: is the trajectory produced by your mobile phone on the basis of movements, clicks, action you perform on the "Antwerp in a Snap4"  Mobile App

  • Delegated Tracks: Are the trajectories that you have received delegated in view by other users produced by the mobile phones of your friends on the basis of movements, clicks, actions performed on the "Antwerp in a Snap4"  Mobile App

  • Multi Tracks: Are the trajectories with associated values produced by mobile IOT Devices or Mobile phones that you have received delegated in view by other users on the basis of movements

  • Twitter Vigilance: The trends of Tweets for the search related to the channel Antwerp, which is monitoring a large number of users posts, hashtags, and keywords. It’s possible to select the period (from – to). This data comes from Twitter Vigilance Service of DISITLab Https://www.disit.org/tv a detailed of produced trends may allow to understand the moods of the city. The data are updated daily  and for the last day, hourly. 
  • Twitter Vig. Real Time: The trends of Tweets for the search related to the channel Antwerp, which is monitoring a large number of users posts, hashtags, and keywords.. This data comes from Twitter Vigilance Service of DISIT Lab: Https://www.disit.org/rttv. a detailed of produced trends may allow to understand the moods of the city. The data are updated very 5 minutes.  It is possible from that page to perform the NLP (Natural Language Processing) analysis, and also perform the Sentiment Analysis of the collected tweets. This approach permits to monitor the moods of the events in the city in real time. 
  • Air Quality: A view of Air Quality it includes data and heatmaps of several kinds:

    • Noise: value and real time heatmap of noise levels in the area. The heatmap is upded every 2 hours. On the Heatmap Controls widget: the animated values of the entire 24 hours are available, as well as with "Prev" button the past heatmaps.   
    • PM10: value and real time heatmap of pollutant levels in air in terms of PM10 (measured in µg/m3) particles in the area. The heatmap is updedd every 2 hours. On the Heatmap Controls widget: the animated values of the entire 24 hours are available, as well as with "Prev" button the past heatmaps.   
    • PM2.5: value and real time heatmap of pollutant levels in air in terms of PM2.5 (measured in µg/m3) particles in the area. The heatmap is upded every 2 hours. On the Heatmap Controls widget: the animated values of the entire 24 hours are available, as well as with "Prev" button the past heatmaps.   
    • NO2: value and real time heatmap of pollutant levels in air in terms of nitrogen dioxide (NOmeasured in µg/m3) in the area. The heatmap is upded every 2 hours. On the Heatmap Controls widget: the animated values of the entire 24 hours are available, as well as with "Prev" button the past heatmaps.   
    • SO2 heatmap: real time heatmap of pollutant levels in air in terms of sulphur dioxide (SOmeasured  in µg/m3) particles in the area. The map is upgraded every 2 hours.
    • O3 heatmap: real time heatmap of pollutant levels in air in terms of ground-level ozone (Omeasured in µg/m3) in the area. The map is upgraded every 2 hours .
    • EAQI: value and real time heatmap of European Air Quality Index. The resulting index from 1 to 5 indicate the quality of air. On the Heatmap Controls widget: the animated values of the entire 24 hours are available, as well as with "Prev" button the past heatmaps.   
    • (i) information about Air Quality parameters
  • Weather: A view of Air Quality which includes data and heatmaps of several kinds:

    • Air Temperature heatmap:  real time heatmap of the air temperature in the Antwerp area. The map is upgraded every 2 hours.

    • Humidity Heatmap: real time heatmap of the air humidity in the Antwerp area. The map is upgraded every 2 hours. 
  • Forum Discussion: a Forum for collecting comments, requests to improve and discussion open among the users of the dashboard.

On the Map, several information may appear:

  • PINs about POI where you can select a PIN to see information on a new information window on the left of the map

    • Name

    • Details

    • Description

    • "Around Here" botton to discover all POI around the PIN selected

  • PINs about sensors where you can select a PIN to see information on the left of the map

    • Details

    • Description

    • Real Time data: clicking on the PIN is possible to monitor the real time measure related to that sensor

  • Typical Trajectories widget positioned at the top right of the map

    • Radius: the slider that can be used to correct the radius of the point in the map

    • Max Opacity: the slider that can be used to correct the opacity of the point in the map

    • Hour: to select a specific hour

  • The Routing on Antwerp selector appears on the top of the map where you can select:

    •  the type of transportations mean among bus, car, and on foot (choosing between shortest path or quiet path)

    • departure date and time

    • the starting point (that is your position of default)

    • the ending point

  • Points of Interest menu positioned at the top left of the map that allows to:

    • select the position of a selected bus clicking with the Public Transport tab

    • compute a POIs search by text using the Text Search tab

    • select the municipality with the Municipality tab

    • compute a POIs using the address with the Address Search tab

    • select an event using the Event tab and selecting a specific time interval (day, week, month)

  • Origin Destination Matrix Information widget on the left of the map

    • Grid (on/off)

    • Flows

    • Hour: to select a specific hour

    • OD Matrix: open the matrix in a new tab. The flow can be ordered by cluster, frequency or name

    • Radius (km)

The data of this dashboard have been collected by Snap4City according to the PCP lanched by Select4Cities project. 

The data sources used for creating this dashboard are listed in the following web pages:
Helsinki: https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/364
Antwerp: https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/363

European Commission Affiliation Select4Cities project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 688196. Please note that this website represents the view of Snap4City, with the support of Select4Cities project and that the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.