The Origin-Destination (OD) Matrices represents the probability (at a given time slot) that people located in a certain part of the city would appear in another part within the time slot. The OD matrix is presented in the innovative spider ways in which colored balls represents people intensity for size and color, and flows are also labeled with percentages and values expressing the probability.
The user interface of the tool allows to:
- Grid, toggle the cluster’s grid on and off. This is the graphical representation of the geographical clustered zones used to compute the flows;
- Flows, toggle the flows’ view between inflows (flows originating from a cluster’s zone) or outflows (flows directed to a cluster’s zone);
- zoom to scale up/down at different resolution of the OD Matrix, using the well of the mouse or minus and PLUS on the left side of the map to ZOOM
- Hour, toggle the flows’ hour (e.g., 00 means that the flows were in the time range 00:00-00:59); time slot of the day or all of them
- distance for the whole computation of the traditional view of the OD matrix
- OD Matrix, toggle the radius of the geographical zone were the OD matrix is calculated. Clicking the matrix icon here opens a page in a new tab, showing the OD matrix. On the y axis there are source zones (i.e., latitude, longitude), while on the x axis there are destination zones. The darker the color the higher the flow rate. Clicking a matrix’s square will select the related zone in the right pane of the page.