Dear Snap4City user [current-user:og-membership--1]
- 2023 December:
- 2023 Booklets:
- Conferences: meet/listen our representatives at:
- Science and Peace and Security Programme, Advanced Research Workshop, Achieving Sustainability in Ukraine Through Military Brownfields Redevelopment, December 18-21, 2023, Oradea, Romania, by NATO, with presentation of Chiara Garau.
- Barbagli Firenze 1923-2023, 13-14 December, (13: Salone 500 Palazzo Vecchio, (14: Palagio di Parte Guelfa, Firenze, Italy. with presentation of Paolo Nesi, Snap4City on future Smart Cities and Smart Lands
- Competence at B2B MM:
- Genova Smart Week 2023: from 25 Nov to 1st Dec., the intervention of Snap4City on Digital Twin the 28th of November in Genova,
- Fair and EXPO:
- See foto from
- THANKS! more than 1000 of you visited our stand at Smart City World Expo Conference, please contact us on to follow-up
- from 7-9 November 2023
- Snap4City at the Smart City Expo World Congress 2023
- Recent Deploy on Operative Conditions
- Smart Light solutions: exploiting DALI, unicast and multicast controls, dimering and profiling. Delivered in Merano, for Merano SmartLight
- Asset Management Solutions: monitoring and controlling assets: cameras, cabinets, networks, services, etc., Delivered in Cuneo Smart City
- Monitoring chemical product production, industry 4.0, with workflow among cabinet of Analysis and decision makers, decision support systems, Second year of operation at ALTAIR chemical of ESSECO group
- Snap4Building: building energy control, presences management, assest management, etc.; energy control, energy saving, analysis and planning, Delivered on ISPRA JRC site of the EC
- Simulation of Photovoltaic Plants with PV, and batteries: monitoring of communities of energy.
- Snap4City on AWS, on Genova for the OceanRace: Https://
- Recent Technology and Features:
- New version of the 3D Digital Twin representation of the full Digital Twin with AI and XAI support, What-If anaysis and simulation
- development manual:
- Added preview capability to data manager: for heatmaps, traffic flow, origin destination matrices, etc.
- Snap4City with BlockChain for any IoT/WoT Entities:
- New version of the CSBL, client side business logic for implementing Business Intelligence Tools
- IoT/Entity Directory: Added capabilities of Save-AS of models and devices, and capabilities to Impor/Export Models and Devices/Entities
- Suite for mobility and transport data modeling and algorithms
- Integration with VMS of Milestone for exchanging events and security: new Node-red library of Snap4City for VMS Milestone Integration:
- Node-RED with advanced debug features based on Cauldron, new images on Snap4City cloud.
- MicroX troubleshooting ENG:
- MicroX troubleshooting ITA:
- Newly acquired Actions and Projects:
- TOURISMO: recently approved EC project on multisite innovative, AI, data management and services for tourism
- AMMIRARE: recently approved EC project on data analytics, AI and data Infrastructure for climate impact control on costal erosion and changes