Dear Snap4City user [current-user:og-membership--1]
March 2022 news
- Most of the Organizations on Snap4City keep data and dashboards as private data, this means that even if you can register on them, while the access to their dashboards and data could be limited, and thus you risk to do not see the Snap4City functionalities in place. We suggest you to test using DISIT Organization, and perform multiple registrations, with different email addresses, to see multipple organization data and scenarious.
- Snap4City is operative with services and data of several cities/Organizations such as: Firenze (I), Helsinki (Fi), Antwerp (B), Lonato del Garda (I), Valencia (S), Pont Du Gard (Fr), WestGreece (Gr), Mostar (Bosnia), Dubrovnik (Croatia), Santiago di Compostela (S), Pisa (I), Prato (I), Pistoia (I), Lucca (I), Arezzo (I), Grosseto (I), Livorno (I), Siena (I), Massa (I), Modena (I), Cagliari (I), Venezia (I), Roma (I), etc.; and from regions as Tuscany (I), Garda Lake (I), Svealand Region (Sweden), Sardegna (I), Belgium (B), Finland (Fl), Emilia Romagna (I), Spain (S), WestGreece (Gr), Occitanie (Fr), Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, etc.
- Snap4Industry is also operative on a number of industry plants, with on premise installations based on Container and VM. As described in
- Training:
- new version of Training Course Slides:
- Snap4City for sustainable development goals:
- New Node-RED Dashboard Node into the Snap4City Library basic for SelectorMAP, sending a large range of data kind on MultiData Maps, It can work on IOT Edge and on Cloud
- Snap4City Node-RED Library of Nodes can be used for multiple domains: data exchange, distributed processing, federated computing, data transfer among different Snap4City platforms, multiple dashboards of multiple users from the same IOT App, etc., see user manual into the training course slides
- HOW TO page is in progress.
- Conferences, and press conf:
- 29-March-2022. Study Visit to Florence City organized by HeritData:
- WEBex link:
- PASSWORD EVENT: mMm34PKvZq3 (66634758 da telefoni)
- 7-April-2022. Final Conference of HeritData at Madrid, Spain:
- 9-March-2022. Study Visit to Pont du Gard, France:
- IOT Solutions World Congress 2022, 10-12 May Barcelona, Spain: Snap4City will be present at the FIWARE stand
- 10th Smart City Conference, Greek, Boussias presents,
- DISIT lab activities: predictions and what-if analysis, Dottorato Nazionale in INtelligence Artificiale, AI for Society, AI-Colloquium, 15-03-2022
- 29-March-2022. Study Visit to Florence City organized by HeritData:
- Technical news:
- references among IOT Devices are possible since long time, automated intepretations are coming
- HOW TO page is in progress.
- Snap4Camera Appliance for managing a large range of TV cameras (standard and thermal cameras), for security, people counting, has been released with the support of AXIS camera producer, details are coming
- HOW TO page is in progress.
- work is in progress on a tool for visually pose queries on the federated network of knowledge bases (ServiceMap/superservicemap)
- work is in progress for futher automation of Snap4City platform deploy on multi VM and container platforms, one click installation: automated small configurations are ready for all users
- work is in progress for integrating video management, from RTSP, ONVIF to WebRTC, progressive download, reporting video streams on Dashboards.
- Twitter Vigilance NLP and SA is taking a new push with a machine/deep learning training in multiple language: Italian, English, Spanish, France, and Greek
- Waste Management Applications and Smart Waste engine are in progress
- references among IOT Devices are possible since long time, automated intepretations are coming