TC5.13 - Personal Annotation Services from web page, MyAnnotation from MicroService, Saving and Accessing to “MyAnnotations” from IOT App


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Test Case Title

TC5.13 - Personal Annotation Services from web page, MyAnnotation from MicroService, Saving and Accessing to “MyAnnotations” from IOT App


I can:

  • Make My personal annotation on a service present in the city
  • See the My annotation in the MyPersonal Data and profile
  • Manage the My Annotation according to GDPR


Simple skill on use a browser to navigate in internet.

Use of Nodered to configure Microservices.

The following functionalities are available only for specific Snap4city users with specific privileges.

Expected successful result

Create and manage MyAnnotation on services.




Please note that some of the following links could be accessible only for registered users. 

  1. Connect to Snap4City portal and click on Knowledge and Maps --> My Annotation on Services/Data in the left column menu.

  1. A view with a map and services appear on the right:

  1. The user can select a service as he likes and make an annotation

  1. The annotation can be made by inserting the text in the "Text Area" under the word "comment" and pressing the send button.

  1. A success message is shown to the user: 


  1. Point the browse to the My personal Data Types by Main -> My profile -> My Personal Data Types as the Figure below


  1. By Clicking on the “My annotation Data” item it is shown the following page:  

  1. Where the previous annotation related to the serviceUri is shown (See figure)

  1. It is also possible to retrieve the annotation from a Microservices. In particular, drag and drop the “Get My Annotation” node


  1. Insert these data in configuration tab to retrieve the last five annotation in period 09-05-2018 to 30-05-2018

  1. The response is the follow and the user can use that information to create own flow that use annotation maked on a service