CSBL - widgetDeviceTable


Warning message

  • You can't delete this newsletter because it has not been sent to all its subscribers.
  • You can't delete this newsletter because it has not been sent to all its subscribers.


6.6 widgetDeviceTable

First of all, an existing widgetDeviceTable must be identified in the dashboard, of which the id <TARGET_WIDGET_NAME> must be noted.
The JS function to be inserted in the appropriate CK Editor box (in more options) of another widget of the same dashboard, in order to pilot the <TARGET_WIDGET_NAME> widgetDeviceTable is of the following type:

function execute() {
        type: "showDeviceTableFromExternalContent_<TARGET_WIDGET_NAME>",
        eventGenerator: $(this),
        targetWidget: "<TARGET_WIDGET_NAME>",
        passedData: {ordering:"vehicleFlow",query:"https://www.snap4city.org/superservicemap/api/v1/iot-search/?selection=42.014990;10.217347;43.7768;11.2515&model=metrotr...",actions:["pin"], columnsToShow:["dateObserved","vehicleFlow"]}

The passedData field must be of the type described in https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/809.



    ordering: "dateObserved",
    query: "https://www.snap4city.org/superservicemap/api/v1/iot-search/?selection=42.014990;10.217347;43.7768;11.2515&model=IBE Air Quality",
    actions: ["pin","https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6d/Windows_Settings_app_icon.png/1024px-Windows_Settings_app_icon..."]*,
    columnsToShow: ["dateObserved", "airHumidity", "PM10"]

*"Pin" is a keyword for displaying a pin icon, to insert icons of other types it is necessary to insert the url of an icon, in this case the icon of a gear present at the url

Figure: widgetDeviceTable example