TC11.10 - View on LDAP configuration


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Test Case Title

TC11.10 - View on LDAP configuration


I can access to the LDAP manager to control the user access to tools, while the assignment of the roles are performed via Drupal when the registration is accepted.


Access to the as authorised users.

The following functionalities are available only for specific Snap4city users with specific privileges.

Expected successful result

Access to the LDAP configuration, manage the users and their roles and access to tools.




Please note that some of the following links could be accessible only for registered users.

Access to Snap4City portal and log as RootAdmin

Click on Settings --> User Role Management via LDAP as depicted in the figure

Please note that the access requests two passwords to be accepted in.

You can enter as snap4city user with the corresponding password. This allows to pass the first step. As a second step you can enter in reading and see, navigate on the roles and users.