TC11.9 - User Management of for accepting and assigning a role


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Test Case Title

TC11.9 - User Management of for accepting and assigning a role


Management of the users.

Assign and change the user role.


A PC with a browser.

The RootAdmin user is logged in the system.

The following functionalities are available only for specific Snap4city users with specific privileges.

Expected successful result

The registered user is activated and the administrator has managed the user role to access snap4city tools according to the defined privileges.




The Final User interested in access the Snap4City tools has to be registered and authorized to access the tools on the basis of its privileges.

The main entry point of the Snap4City tools for unregistered users is the link:

On the right column, the page contains the Log in button to access the tool via a Single-Sign-On functionality (1), the link to Request a new account (2) and the Request for a new password (3).

The registration process is moderated and has to be approved by the administrator. The user interested to access the Snap4City tools has to click the “Request a new account” link on the right column (2).

A new web page is opened where the user can select between two registration procedure:

  1. By using an existing Social Media account (Facebook, Google+ or Twitter) (1)
  2. By filling the form with a username and a valid email (2)

After the selection of the registration procedure, by clicking the “Request new Account” button (3), the request is sent to the administrator for the approval. The user receives an email explaining that the registration is pending, as show in the image below.

On the other side, the administrator that has the privileges of RootAdmin, receives the notification about the new request of approval. The RootAdmin user has to login in the system with its credential.

To authorize the new user and to define the role of the user the administrator can:

  • Click on the link provided in the notification email with the new request of registration
  • Enter in the main snap4city page and in the left column main menu, click User Management

A page with the list of registerd and pending users is shown

To authorize a user to access the snap4city tools and to define its privileges, the administrator has to:

  • click the username of interest to access in its profile page.
  • Select the Edit tab to enter in edit mode;
  • Scrolling down the page, and activate/or block the user (1);
  • Tick the role selected for the user (2);
  • Save the new profile (2).

    Once the registration has been approved by the Administrator, a new email is received by the user confirming the approval and proposing to perform a first login process to define also the final password.

    By clicking the link in the email, the user is redirected in the Reset password webpage. By clicking the Log in green button, the final password definition procedure starts.

    Once the password has been defined and confirmed in the corresponding forms, click the Save green button.