TC3.8 - Mixed Integrated Drill Down (via Developer Dashboard)


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Test Case Title

TC3.8 - Mixed Integrated Drill Down (via Developer Dashboard)


I can:

Perform drill down on data by applying different filters on Developer Dashboard


The User is registered and logged in the system as Manager (Final User), AreaManager (Developer) or ToolAdmin (Administrator).

Using a PC or Mobile with a web browser. All the data arriving in the platform are collected into a noSQL storage and indexed in real-time. Thus, they are accessible in the Developer Dashboard for drill down and browsing according to different aspects.

The following functionalities are available only for specific Snap4city users with specific privileges.

Expected successful result

See the Developer Dashboard and play with it. The user can access to the DevDash and perform a number of actions to drill down at different levels, etc.




Please note that some of the following links could be accessible only for registered users.

  1. Go on the developer dashboard
    • Enter in
    • To open the Data Analyzer Dashboard (DevDash) click on the left column main menu item Management à Data Analyzer: DevDash
    • Click the folder icon  on the top right corner of the page and select the DeveloperDash-V3 item from the list.

      A new different dashboard is shown as in the following image.

      Start to add different filters to drill down on data, for example:
  • On the Device Name Pie chart, click on PersonalAppSemaphoreCounters slice, it is the green biggest slice of the pie.

All the dashboard widgets is updated accordingly and the deviceName filter is added in the FILTERING widget.

  • Now, with the left button of the mouse clicked, select a portion of the HISTOGRAM widget named EVENT COUNT.

Again, all the widgets will update accordingly to the time period selected and a corresponding filter is added in the FILTERING widget.

Delete filters in the FILTERING widget if the result is not satisfactory by clicking the X icon on the top right corner of each terms added. The dashboard is updated accordingly.

Refine the navigation by selecting a specific colored slice in the sunburst diagrams. For example, in the third widget SRC, DEVICENAME click on the internal circle named IOT (see the figure below).

All the widgets will update accordingly to the SRC selected (IOT in this example) and a corresponding filter is added in the FILTERING widget.

Use different methods for drill down, for example:

  • by specifying a term in the QUERY widget:

  • by clicking terms in the FACET widget:

  • by selecting an area in the map and click the GEO FACET button: