TC1.15 - One Dashboard multiple IOT applications, data and IOT devices/brokers


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Test Case Title

TC1.15 - One Dashboard multiple IOT applications, data and IOT devices/brokers



Using a PC or Mobile with a web browser

The user is registered and logged in the system

Expected successful result

In the dashboard preview page, the user can see the dashboards connected with IOT applications.

By Clicking a direct link from the dashboard preview, the user accesses to a list of one or more IOT applications connected with the dashboard

From the list of IOT applications connected to the dashboard, the user can open in edit the IOT Application integrated in the new interface.




Please note that some of the following links could be accessible only for registered users.

A dashboard can be connected to multiple IOT applications.

To verify this, the user has to:

  • In the full text search field write “Multiple” and search a dashboard titled: “Multiple IOT Apps

  • A new page is shown with, on the right, the list of IOT Apps connected to the dashboard. In this example four different IOT Apps are connected.