TC1.4 - Dashboards Showing Data Real Time and Historical/trends, comparison


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Test Case Title

TC1.4 - Dashboards Showing Data Real Time and Historical/trends, comparison


I can:

  • Access to dashboard showing real time data and trends
  • Compare trends of different kind of data/sensors (traffic flow, environment, pollution, IOT, referral data, etc. etc.) on the basis of time, enabling visual exploration for new relationships
  • Cross communications among Widgets in the same Dashboard (Cross Widget Paradigm) to keep them aligned and showing synchronized data.


A PC with a browser.. Access to the dashboard

Expected successful result

Access to the dashboards accessible by the links and see them, see data updated with the interval declared by each widget and the time elapsed. If you push F11 you can go and exit from full screen. Showing how dashboard can be used to communicate and for getting feedback from the city users and stakeholders.



Please note that some of the following links could be accessible only for registered users.

Snap4City Dashboards can show historical data and can filter and sort them dynamically:

  • By faceted on the basis of several relations, timeline and geospace/maps: see tools such as AMMA, ResDash, DevDash. For example, once performed a selection in a widget/panel of AMMA, all the other views of the Dashboard re-filter the data shown dynamically. This is true for timeline, relations, OD map, Gelocation on Map.  This solution is developed in SOLR and shown on Banana.
  • Historical and real time data can be shown from the Dashboard widget and from the Map towards the widget as single content, time trend compare, or just time trend, gauge, tachymeter, etc. This solution is based on Dashboard Builder.
  • IOT data are automatically collected to form the historical values. They are accessible to be shown on DevDash which is based on SOLR index sharded, and allow you to search, drill on timeline/space and faceting, etc.

Example 1: perform time trend compare from different real-time data sources

  • Open the following link to see a dashboard to
  • To test click on the link to see a live example:
  • Select one source to compare from the selector from the left
  • For example the parking
    • Select a parking, for example that from the station, main
    • Select one source of comparison from the selector from the right
  • See the selections performed from the figure

  • Select the time trend you would like to compare: 4 hours, 1 day (addition time windows can be added)
  • Different or identical time trends can be selected from both views
  • Compare the time trends as in the figure.

Example 2: Cross communication among Widgets in the same Dashboard (Cross Widget Paradigm), for example:

  • at the push of a widget button to activate a different action in other Widgets of the same dashboard;
  • at the click on some list of events, to activate the rendering on map of the event plus related data;
  • at the click of a button to activate multiple cross widget events. For example, to change the content of one or more widgets, to send an API REST Call, to send commands to other widgets (change TV camera, change parking under monitoring, to change the monitored sensor, etc…)
  • At the click of a button/widget to open an URL on a IFRAME widget

You can start testing this requirement by following the sequence of actions:

If you pass the mouse over the buttons (without clicking), you can see that headers of some widgets change their colour with the colour of the button, indicating that if you click the button that widgets is involved in the interaction.

Click on the buttons you prefer, to see the widgets updated accordingly.

Example 3: complex dashboard with many time trend widgets: