How to Dev - Design process for graphics user interface


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In Snap4City, there is a specific tutorial for the Dashboard development with several examples:

The steps in design the Graphic User Interface would be:

  • Sketch the dashboard according to the schema reported in the next section. It that should be adopted to design each single Dashboard/view of the solution. The list of graphical widgets available in Snap4City to compose the user interface is accessible at the following link:
    For each data/info to be represented in the Graphic User Interface one should identify:
  • Preferred kind of data representations: pie, charts, time series, tables, maps, etc.
  • Combination of them, why and how.
  • Level of interaction required by the user.
  • Who will need to access to those dashboards.
  • Who is going to access at the dashboard which provide data and actions in input.
    • Understand if the Dashboard is Active or Passive. Please note that a Dashboard is a View, and each view can be delegated in access to specific users, or user group, or org, etc.
  • Design the interconnections among Dashboards/Views which are connected each other via Menu or Special internal menus, or buttons or generated from one dash to another.
  • Design the user interaction taking into account the capabilities of Dashboard Builder Widgets. Take in mind that some of the actions performed on Widgets can directly perform reaction on other widgets without coding, just configuration.
  • Implement firstly the passive version of the dashboard and then add Server-Side Business Logic
  • Once tested and validated, clone the Dashboard and modify the cloned dashboard to transform it in fully scalable solution with Client-Side Business Logic Active Dashboard.