this Snap4City IOTDSESVM has been described in It includes:
- NiFi https://iotdses-address:8443/nifi/login
- ElasticSearch https://iotdses-address:9200
- Kibana http://iotdses-address:5601
- Squid (to cache requests from NiFi to kbssm)
This VM is also called "iotdses-address" internally.
This virtual machine is based on Debian operating system v8.11 (without graphic Desktop Environment) and it has been run on VMware ESXi v6.5, but you can run on VMware player. In particular, this VM contains what is described in
As a prerequisite for using this virtual machine, it is necessary to download and install the free VMware Workstation Player (tested with version 15). With this tool you can launch the VM, which by default was created with the following specifications (which can be modified in the VMware "Settings" configuration panel):
number of processor: 8 (you can increase when needed)
RAM: 8 GB (it can be easily increased)
Hard-Disk: 500 GB (thin provisioning) you need at least ..X. Gbyte at the first running on your HD
Access to the Operating System, credentials
IP: static verify into your system (ifconfig from Debian shell)
Operating system: Debian v8.11
username: debian, password: debian, password of super user (su): debian
NiFi https://iotdses-address:8443/nifi/login
username: admin password: iotdsesPassword
Elastic Search API https://iotdses-address:9200
username: user password: password
Kibana http://iotdses-address:5601
Configuration and Deploy
1) The VM is provided in DHCP network configuration, use command ifconfig to see the assigned ip address or set static IP (according to your preference). To ensure correct operation in any local network, check and note the IP assigned when the VM is turned on.
2) It is necessary to reconfigure the /etc/hosts file as superuser ("sudo pico /etc/hosts"), assigning to the hostname "iotdses-address" the VM current IP and change all the other IPs associated with "servicemap-instance-address" and "iotobsf" with the one of KBSSM and the one of IOTOBSF VM.
It's important to configure this information also in the Snap4CityMAINVM /etc/hosts file.
You also need to associate the IP of the VM with the host "iotdses-address" in your work environment, in the computer that you use to work with the Snap4City VM, for example to open dashboard or to create them.
In Linux, please modify the usual /etc/hosts file as above,
in Windows the hosts file to be modified is located in the path ......\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
NiFi Configuration
NiFi is installed in /srv/nifi-1.9.2/ and it is running as a service (sudo service nifi status).
In order to receive data from the orion context broker iotobsf, you need to register a subscription, this can be done with command " <ip of iotdses>" that is present in the /home/debian, it is importat to specify the numeric ip address of iotesds and not the host name as orion is running in a container that doesn't know this host name. Pay attention to not subscripe more than one time otherwise you will get duplicated data.
Elastic Search Configuration
Elastic Search is installed as a service (sudo service elasticsearch status)
Kibana Configuration
Kibana is installed as a service (sudo service kibana status)