TC10.14 - Container Cluster Monitoring including: Marathon and Mesos


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Test Case Title

TC10.14 - Container Cluster Monitoring including: Marathon and Mesos


To provide evidence about the capabilities of the solution to control the cluster of IOT application as containers.


Access to the platform at least as ToolAdmin, but the final access should be done only at the RootAdmin.

Expected successful result

Evidence about the fact that the platform is capable to control and manger the whole  amount of Containers. 




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The Snap4City solution provides support for controlling the status of Containers Cluster, in general and in detail for each single Container. In particular, according to Snap4City solution, the back Office Container Monitoring, status access, etc. is performed by Marathon as depicted in the following snapshot.

Management --> Back Office Container Monitoring

On Marathon, it is possible to:

  • See the list of active Containers and their status
  • Restart the single container
  • For each Container is possible to see the status variable. Also the data that have been used to put them in execution.
  • See the multiple instances in cases in which the Container is involved in some migration or it is trouble in the VM where it was located.