TC10.10 - NIFI managing multiple protocols and formats


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Test Case Title

TC10.10 - NIFI managing multiple protocols and formats


NIFI may access from several kinds of data sources using different protocols and versions


Using a PC or Mobile with a web browser.  Access to the back office since this process for changing the flow if needed. Also, a MQTT Broker attached to a device must exist and simple solr collection with the following fields i.e. id, dateTime, deviceName,latlon, value must be created.

The following functionalities are available only for specific Snap4city users with specific privileges.

Expected successful result

Once a flow is setup it is possible to gather data from one source, process the data and commit changes to destination. As an example, we’ll fetch  a value from an IOT Mosquitto Broker and then write it to a SOLR collection.+




Point the browser on NIFI framework and choose the ConsumeMQTT processor and drag it to dashboard

Once the “processor” is on the dashboard right click and choose to configure

Compile the essential fields as BrokerURI, ClientID

Once the ConsumeMQTT processor configuration is setup, drag to the dashboard the PutsolrContentStream Processor

Hover the mouse to the centre of ConsumeMQTT processor  and drag and drop the arrow to the PutSolrContentStream Processor

As for the former processor, compile the essential field of the processor as the Solr Type(Cloud or not), Solr Location with the Zookeper quorum.

Once the overall processors configuration are finalized, right click on the ConsumeMQTT and choose start


As final step query the solr cluster and browse the json with any json editor