TC5.9 - Developer Dashboard tool for comparison analysis.


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Test Case Title

TC5.9 - Developer Dashboard tool for comparison analysis.


I  can:

Explore similarities and differences among network consumption of two different IOT Applications, IOT Brokers, IOT devices, ETL processes, etc. by using the Developer Dashbaord and/or the AMMA Tool, in time trend, and spatial aspects.


The user is registered and is logged in the system.

A PC with a browser. Access to the dashboard.

The following functionalities are available only for specific Snap4city users with specific privileges.

Expected successful result

Access the dashboard and explore data and relations via a dashboard showing a comparison between two sensors.





Please note that some of the following links could be accessible only for registered users.

  • Click the following link:
  • A page with two embedded developer dashboards is opened.
  • The two dashboards show the data referred to two different bike racks. The position of these racks can be seen in the maps.
  • Scroll down to the map and click on the pin to open the pop-up.
  • Click on the RT DATA button and then click to select the time trend duration of interest (for example 7 days). Below the map a trend graph shows the historical data about the spaces availability in the bike racks.
  • Repeat the same actions in the second map.
  • The user can navigate and interact with the dashboard and widgets and compare the data about the two bike racks status and availability.


Alternatively, the same dashboard can be opened with the following steps.

  • Access to snap4city and login with your credential;
  • In the left column menu click Dashboards to open the list of available dashboards
  • Click in the search field on the top right and write “devdash
  • Click on the preview of the dashboard titled “DevDash for comparison analysis”, as shown in the following image.