Test Case Title |
TC3.5 - Perform Drill down in timeline |
Goal |
I can Perform drill down on timeline |
Prerequisites |
The User is registered and logged in the system as Manager (Final User), AreaManager (Developer) or ToolAdmin (Administrator). Using a PC or Mobile with a web browser. All the data arriving in the platform are collected into a noSQL storage and indexed in real-time. Thus, they are accessible in the Developer Dashboard for drill down and browsing according to different aspects. |
Expected successful result |
See the dashboard and play with them. The user can access to the dashboard and perform a number of actions to drill down on data, on time, facet, kind of data, etc. The resulting combination of filter is a new dashboard/view that can be saved locally or on cloud (ProcessLoader, in the future) and shared with other colleagues, also via ProcessLoader. |
Steps |
Please note that some of the following links could be accessible only for registered users.
In this test case the user will interact with:
- Go on the developer dashboard
- drill down on time
- Select from the TIMEPIKER (1) or from HISTOGRAM (3) a time range with the mouse to drill down on time, the new filter on time is added on the FILTERING panel (2)
- all the other widget start recalculating to show the resulting data filtered. The drill down on timeline can be performed (by day, by week, by month, by year, from date/time to date/time, from a given time instant to another) by using Developer Dashboard. Once the time selection (filtering) is performed, the other views of the Dashboard are aligned: the counting of selected object is updated, the faceted list of population selected is updated, the map is also updated.
- In the widget HISTOGRAM with the left button of the mouse clicked, select a period in the timeline. The selected period is highlighted in the histogram as shown in the following figure.
- When the left button of the mouse is released, all the widget in the dashboard is uploaded accordingly and a new search term is added in the FILTERING widget, as shown in the following image.
- Go on a dashboard in view with time trend
- Enter in https://main.snap4city.org/view/index.php?iddasboard=MzEz to open an example of dashboard with a complete set of widgets representing the trend of values in different period.
- The dashboard represents the energy consumption of the datacenter managed by DISIT Lab in the University of Florence and is publicly accessible.
- The widgets represent in cyan the actual trend of different values compared with the trend of the last period in grey.