TC3.4 - Drill down in geo space: ServiceMap, DevDash, AMMA


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Test Case Title

TC3.4 - Drill down in geo space: ServiceMap, DevDash, AMMA


I can:

Discover city entities: POI, Services, IOT via a graphic user interface --> ServiceMap

Discover city entities drill down on geospace, in terms of city entities relations, semantic search, in time and text (thus structure and unstructured search) --> ServiceMap

Discover detailed valued of city entities: real-time sensors data, public transportation data, pollution, pollination, weather forecast, position of busses, etc. --> ServiceMap, real-time update for busses, etc.

Discover suggested paths for routing: car, pedestrian and public transport (multimodal)

Discover city entities: around you, in an area, into a polyline, along a path, etc. Load a preferred Polyline for further reuse

Discover city entities and drill down on geospacer via DevDash and AMMA

connection with dashboards via HTTPS/HTTP


The User is registered and logged in the system as Manager (Final User), AreaManager (Developer) or ToolAdmin (Administrator).

Using a PC or Mobile with a web browser. Access to ServiceMap, Knowledge base with data. Several of them are available with different number of data: (i) Florence and whole Tuscany, (ii) Helsinki, Antwerp and Bologna, (iii) Venezia, Cagliari, etc.

Expected successful result

Discover the information about city elements of the city. Several actions of discovery and semantic search. This core example of discovery is a basis of discovery (i) POI, services, and IOT in dashboard, (ii) IOT and referral data in IOT applications, (iii) showing geolocalized data for web applications, (iv) dashboards, (vi) mobile applications, etc.




Please note that some of the following links could be accessible only for registered users.

The Snap4City solution is providing tools for extracting and deducing information from a large set of sources, exploiting crosslinking, deduction via inference, analyticsKnowledge Base grounded on Km4City Advanced Smart City API, ServiceMap, which provide support for inference and navigating in the graph of relationships among the city entities and their data. The drill down on geospace/map can be performed by using ServiceMap, that is available in the left column menu Knowledge and Maps --> ServiceMap.

In the ServiceMap, the user may perform geoqueries:

  • into a squared area, by adding filter on service kind, etc.
  • into an area identified by a polyline, by adding filter on service kind, etc.
  • along a polyline, by adding filter on service kind, etc.
  • around a point within a max distance, by adding filter on service kind, etc.

The drill down in geo space can bring the user to arrive at a single element as well as to a group of heterogeneous elements (e.g., which are different in kind). Each single element may be inspected to access at is detailed data, real-time data and semantic relationships (via LOG Linked Open Graph, ( also accessible from the main snap4city application in the left column menu… … ), and may be to browsing the family of its data on the Developer Dashboard.

Example 1: Discover city entities: POI, Services, IOT via a graphic user interface --> ServiceMap

  • Enter in portal and access with your credential. On the left column menu click the item: Knowledge and Maps --> ServiceMap. The ServiceMap tool is opened integrated in the Snap4City tool.  Note that ServiceMap it is also available for several cities and via a 3D representation of the map. These functionalities are available in the Knowledge and Maps menu item)
  • Zoom in the map to center an area of interest and click with the mouse on the downtown. The box on the left shows  the street address where you clicked (1) and a set of menus on right and on left.

  • Please note that ServiceMap tools is for developers and not for city users
  • You can hide the menus if you like, to have more space for the map results
  • If you elect some category, you can select the number of results and the area in which the geosearch has to be performed. We suggest you to select 500 results (1) and 500 mt as Search Range (2). Click the lens (3) to obtain the results: