TC2.23 - Search on Services into IOT Application using MicroService of Smart City API


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Test Case Title

TC2.23 - Search on Services into IOT Application using MicroService of Smart City API


I can:

Create my IOT application flow in which the flows can exploit the smart city data and information by means of MicroService of snap4City.

Search services, busses, iot devices and so on with MicroServices


Skill on drag and drop node inside IOT Application Builder

The following functionalities are available only for specific Snap4city users with specific privileges.

Expected successful result

Realize a search with node that allow to search




  1. In the Snap4city project microservices have been developed that allow you to search through the Smart City API, guiding the user through the search for the desired services. To help the user in the search for services, Microservices have different colors if they provide different functions. It has been tried to give some very descriptive names to the microservices in such a way that the characteristics of each single node are immediately identified starting from the name.
    • Please note that in the main à documentation I can access to the whole set of MicroServices that are also available into the IOT application editor.
  2. The nodes developed concern the research of services:

  3. The search of services with filter on a “search string”




  4. The search of event:

  5. The search of geometry and address:

  6. The search of Bus Routes

  7. TPL based search

  8. Search for recommendation

  9. Search based on ValueType (if a service is a sensor)

  10. Data entry in configuration is made as easy as possible for users with many multiple choices and maps on which to select search areas


  1. In the case of multiple selection the user is guided step by step

  1. In the next figure is showed an example where these blocks are used to enrich information provided by an user

  1. The user in “get other data” receives a JSON with GPS position and these data are enriched with “Address search near marker” to get information about address of the GPS position.