TC1.16 - One IOT Application, multiple Dashboards


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Test Case Title

TC1.16 - One IOT Application, multiple Dashboards


I can:

  • Create dashboards directly from the IOT application and define in which dashboard the IOT data have to be shown.
  • The user has the possibility to directly manage the business logic from an IOT flow to directly create a widget on a selected dashboard.


A PC and a network connection

The user is logged in the system

Expected successful result

Snap4City Users of any level can easily create Dashboards in few clicks to immediately show data: last value, historical data, relationships, geo location, etc., by using the Dashboard Builder. Those Dashboards can work directly on data, sensors, IOT Devices, IOT Applications and a mixt of them, using the same tool for all Dashboards.

The user created dashboards from a single IOT application. One IOT Application may have more than one Dashboard, and one Dashboard may have more than one IOT Application managing its business logic.




Please note that some of the following links could be accessible only for registered users.

Example 1: search for an IOT application with multiple Dashboards.

The user can easily verify if an IOT application is connected to one or more dashboards via the following steps:

  • Each IOT Application icon shows below some buttons and additional information.

  • By clicking the Properties button, the user can modify the IOT App title and see the application type (Basic/Advanced) and the date of creation.
  • Also can Delete or Restart the IOT Application directly from the Properties button.

  • The red button on the bottom left (if present) opens the Node-RED dashboard of the IOT App.
  • The small white and light grey buttons below the icon allow to open the Snap4City dashboard in view and in edit respectively;
  • Since one IOT application can have more dashboards, the with/light grey couple of small buttons can be more than one.
  • See for example the IOT Application title nr16 of the previous image that presents below the IOT icon one red button to open a node-RED dashboard and two connections to snap4city dashboards.


Example 2: Enter in an IOT app and interact with more Snap4City dashboards

The user can create dashboards directly from an IOT application. One IOT Application can have more dashboards.

To verify this TC the user has to follow the following steps:

In the example above, the IOT App flow has two flows. The flow on top represent the logic to send the data coming from a SIGFOX sensor to a dashboard. The second flow represent the logic to send the data coming from a Raspberry sensor to another sensor.

At the end of each flow, the blue blocks are two gauge chart nodes that allows to create a new dashboard or to send the data to an existing dashboard. Other chart widgets are available in the nodes list and can be used as you like.

Click on one gauge node to see the properties. For example, the properties of the PersonalSensor Sigfox are the following.

The Dashboard properties allow to directly create a new dashboard or to define in which existing dashboard show the data of the sensor. Click on the dashboard field to open the list of available dashboard.

The red buttons Edit Dashboard and View Dashboard allow to directly edit the Dashboard or to view it.

Editing the dashboard allows to refine the widget properties and the look and feel of the dashboard.

Once one or more dashboards have been connected to the IOT Application, in the IOT Application list page the corresponding IOT Application icon shows the direct links to the dashboards in the form of the small red or white/light grey buttons, as described above.

Example 3: Access and IOT Application with more Dashboards