TC1.10 - Dashboard delegation to access, and passage of ownership, and/or cloning


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Test Case Title

TC1.10 - Dashboard delegation to access, and passage of ownership, and/or cloning


I can:

  • Modify the access to a dashboard from public to private and vice versa
  • Delegate another user to access a private dashboard.
  • Change the ownership to a dashboard to authorize another user to fully control the dashboard including editing and passing it to others users as well.
  • Any modification is in accordance with GDPR


The user is registered on the platform.

The user is logged in the system and has at least one own private dashboard

Using a PC or Mobile with a web browser.

Expected successful result


A private dashboard is accessible to a delegated user.

A private dashboard can be edited by a different user directly authorized by the owner




A user can delegate specific user(s) to access its own private dashboards.

To do so, the owner of the private dashboard has to know the user name of the user to be delegated.

In the next, sections the process to delegate another user in view is explained.


1. New Dashboard Management in the Dashboards page

Accessing to the list of dashboard, dashboard previews provides to user useful information and the possibility to perform different actions according to the dashboards rights and ownership.

To explore the dashboard preview page, the user has to

Each preview provides the following information:

Dashboard Type can be:

Ownership can be:

  • My own (the user is the owner of the dashboard that is private and accessible only to the owner)
  • Public (the dashboard has been published as public and can be viewed by all)
  • My own: Public (the user is the owner of the dashboard that is public)
  • Delegated (private dashboard that the user can view since he has been delegated by the owner)
  • Private (only for RootAdmin user. Identify private dashboards of everyboady, all the other users can see their own private dashboard but not those of the others.)

According to the user privileges and ownership, additional actions that the user can perform are:

  • Edit, to enter in edit mode and modify the dashboard
  • Management, to change the ownership and the visibility from public to private
  • Clone, to duplicate a dashboard
  • Delete, to delete a dashboard from the list of preview.

2. Delegate a user to view a private dashboard

  1. Log-in in
  2. In the left main menu, click on the Dashboards item. The preview of dashboards is shown. Each dashboard can be:
    1. private/public dashboards created by the user, in this case below the preview is indicated “MyOwn: Public” or “MyOwn: Private”
    2. public dashboards (so that they are accessible for all), in this case below the preview is indicated “Public”
    3. private dashboard of other users, of which the user has the delegation.


  • The user has to search the private dashboard he wants to delegate. The button “Management” is shown below the private dashboards that can be delegated.


  • A pop up is shown. The user has to select the Delegations tab and has to insert one or more user name of registered users to be delegated. Click the Confirm button to add a username in the list of Current delegations.
  • To cancel a user from the list, click on the X button after the username.

  • The delegated user finds the private dashboard in its list of available dashboards after the login. Below the preview the text “Delegated from username” is shown.


3. Transfer the owner of a dashboard

The owner of a dashboard can authorize a registered user to edit its dashboard by transferring the ownership.

  1. Log-in in
  2. In the left main menu, click on the Dashboards item. The preview of dashboards is shown. Each dashboard can be:
    1. private/public dashboards created by the user, in this case, below the preview is indicated “MyOwn: Public” or “MyOwn: Private”
    2. public dashboards (so that they are accessible for all), in this case below the preview is indicated “Public”
    3. private dashboard of other users, of which the user has the delegation.
  3. Dashboards identified as MyOwn can be transferred to another user by the owner by using the Management button below the dashboard preview.
  4. Click on the Management button below the dashboard preview.

  • A pop up is shown. The user has to select the Ownership tab and has to insert one valid user name of a registered user to be delegated for the ownership of the dashboard. Click the Confirm button to change the ownership.

  • A confirmation  message is shown. Once confirmed, the user sees that below the dashboard preview the Edit and Management buttons are not accessible since he transferred the ownership to another user.

  • The user delegated for the ownership has now the possibility to edit and manage the dashboard, so that he can also transfer the ownership to the original user or to another one.

4. Change a dashboard from Public to Private and vice versa

The owner of a dashboard can modify the access restriction by changing the visibility from Public to Private and vice versa.

Only dashboards marked as MyOwn can be modified by the author/owner.

  1. Log-in in
  2. In the left main menu, click on the Dashboards item. The preview of dashboards is shown. Each dashboard can be:
    1. private/public dashboards created by the user, in this case below the preview is indicated “MyOwn: Public” or “MyOwn: Private”
    2. public dashboards (so that they are accessible for all), in this case below the preview is indicated “Public”
    3. private dashboard of other users, of which the user has the delegation.
  3. Dashboards identified as MyOwn can be transferred to another user by the owner by using the Management button below the dashboard preview.
  4. Click on the Management button below the dashboard preview.