Dear Snap4City user [current-user:og-membership--1]
- 2023 April:
- Training:
- A new series of Web pages for developers is accessible:
- Snap4City Special Course for Snap4City Trainers: A training section for Overview. The overview trainer will be an Overview Training Course for Snap4City Trainers.
- Focus on applications for Smart City and Industry, target for your final users: public administrations, sme, and integrators
- EDIH, European Digital Innovation Hubs, for traioners:
- A new version of CSBL has been released with new features to create business intelligence tools:
- Client-Side Business Logic Widget Manual:
- CSBL documentation has been released also as web pages:
- The 2023 course of Snap4City tools and solution is going to be organized from the mid June to the end of July 2023
- Network and Scenarios:
- Snap4City team has been invited to the FIT EDIH Launch - Technologies of the future for Smart Cities, Mobility and e-Government. Brașov (Romania), 04/04/2023 (
- ICEBERG has installed and put in place a demonstrator with a number of sensors and Dashboards on Brasov, Romania
- DISIT Lab with Snap4City started its activity in supporting Tuscany X.0 EDIH in italy and Europe with: Test Before Invest and training, regarding smart city, industry, mobility and transport, environmental
- Tuscany X.0 – L’European Digital Innovation Hub dedicato a pubblica amministrazione e imprese toscane
- This means that SME and PA can use the Snap4City platform and TECH exploiting the economical bonus coming from European Commission and Italian Ministry, that will support the costs for their activities of Test Before Invest and training, regarding: smart city, industry, mobility and transport, environmental,
- As TECH: Artificial Intelligence, Security, high performance computing, and derived technologies provided
- Technical:
- new version of
- New features for CSBL has been released:
- Client-Side Business Logic Widget Manual:
- new features for 3D Digital Twin will be released in the following days:
- Scenarious 3D, Routing 3D, public trasport 3D, trees, etc.
- Conferences:
- 13 June 2023, from 21:00 to 23:00 CET: in the context of EN-ACTION Lab: ICTs e tecnologie abilitanti la transizione energetica.
- link: to appear soon.
- 4 April 2023, from 14:30 CET, Smart Talk in Bologna, online training, "Smart city, big data e control room: il progetto REPLICATE e Snap4City. BY: Paolo Nesi",
- Bologna, Aula 4, Plesso Ex-Chimica, Viale Risorgimento 2 e Online
- Snap4City is present at the FIT EDIH Launch - Technologies of the future for Smart Cities, Mobility and e-Government. Brașov (Romania), 04/04/2023 (
- The focus of Snap4City presentation will be on using Snap4City platform on EDIH context: Test Before Invest and training, regarding smart city, industry, mobility and transport, environmental cases, energy, etc.
- Snap4City demonstrator of ICEBERG presented, April 4, 2023, Brasov, Romania.
- 13 June 2023, from 21:00 to 23:00 CET: in the context of EN-ACTION Lab: ICTs e tecnologie abilitanti la transizione energetica.
- Training:
- Most of the Organizations on Snap4City keep data and dashboards as private data, this means that even if you can register on them, while the access to their dashboards and data could be limited, and thus you risk to do not see the Snap4City functionalities in place. We suggest you to test using DISIT Organization, and perform multiple registrations, with different email addresses, to see multipple organization data and scenarious.
- Snap4City is operative with services and data of several cities/Organizations such as: Firenze (I), Helsinki (Fi), Antwerp (B), Lonato del Garda (I), Valencia (S), Pont Du Gard (Fr), WestGreece (Gr), Mostar (Bosnia), Dubrovnik (Croatia), Santiago di Compostela (S), Pisa (I), Prato (I), Pistoia (I), Lucca (I), Arezzo (I), Grosseto (I), Livorno (I), Siena (I), Massa (I), Modena (I), Cagliari (I), Venezia (I), Roma (I), etc.; and from regions as Tuscany (I), Garda Lake (I), Svealand Region (Sweden), Sardegna (I), Belgium (B), Finland (Fl), Emilia Romagna (I), Spain (S), WestGreece (Gr), Occitanie (Fr), Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, etc.
- Snap4Industry is also operative on a number of industry plants, with on premise installations based on Container and VM. As described in
From Snap4City:
- Newsletter on social media and on Snap4City:
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