How to Dev - Example of Dashboard Schema


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For each Dashboard or View we suggest specifying:


Vehicle dashboard



Display vehicle information and measured values







Preferred size




Chat enabled




Data vs Widget

Map Widget

  • Description: map showing the vehicle position over time
  • Kind: monitoring only
  • Preferred Data representation: map
  • Data: Vehicle.latitude, Vehicle.longitude

DataTable Widget

  • Description: table reporting the vehicle events
  • Kind: monitoring only
  • Preferred Data representation: table
  • Data: VehicleEvent.eventID, VechicleEvent.dateObserved, VehicleEvent.status, VehicleEvent.kind

SingleContent Widget

  • Descrition: single content showing the total km travelled by the vehicle
  • Kind: Processing Logic / IoT App
  • Preferred Data representation: single number
  • Data: Vehicle.kmTotal

Synoptic Widget

  • Description: battery shaped synoptic to represent the available energy percentage
  • Kind: monitoring only
  • Preferred Data representation: animated synoptic
  • Data: Vehicle.energyLevel

Time series Widget

  • Description: to plot the evolution of the velocity and acceleration values over time
  • Kind: SC Business Logic
  • Preferred Data representation: time series plot
  • Data: Vehicle.velocity, Vehicle.acceleration


Client-Side Business Logic

To be developed in JavaScript into the Dashboard Widget

  • Identification of the actions performed by the user on the GUI, and for each action what the user is expected to get back
  • Event driven: ……….


Server-Side Business Logic

To be developed in Processing Logic / IoT App with S4C Dashboard Nodes


As can be seen in the example dashboard schema above, several information must be specified:

  • Name: name or ID of the dashboard
  • Mockup: a graphical example showing the overall appearance of the dashboard. This can be realized using some graphic painting tool (a screenshot of an empty dashboard can be used as background element)
  • Aim: a description of the dashboard
  • Purpose: it can be monitoring, simulation, what-if, data entry, etc. Multiple values are possible.
  • Status: it can be draft, developed, finalized, accepted
  • Missing: in this field list all missing element that should be included in future
  • Preferred Size: specify the preferred viewing size of the dashboard, such as PC, HD, mobile, or an explicit resolution size (row x column)
  • Style: the base style to be used for the dashboard. Available styles include Gea, Balloon, PA, Balloon Dark, etc.
  • Chat enabled: yes or no
  • Kind: passive or active. A passive dashboard show data taken from storage only, without sending actions toward an IoT App; however, passive dashboards may have selectors, maps, etc., and a lot of interactive visualization that do not requires neither changes in the status on server, nor sending commands to the server side. Differently, active dashboards, are those that send or receive commands to/from the server side, via some client-side Business Logic, server-side Business Logic on Processing Logic / IoT Apps, or both.
  • Data vs Widget: for each widget required in the dashboard, some information must be specified according to the following schema:
    • Name: the name of the widget to be used
    • Description: a brief description of the widget and its use
    • Kind: monitoring, Processing Logic / IoT App, or Client-Side business logic (note that, the last two entries characterize an active dashboard)
    • Data: the data the be used in the widget, typically retrieved from some Entity Instance (IoT device). Multiple entries can be accepted.
  • Client-Side Business Logic: to be specified if present
    • Description of the effects: a description of the implemented client-side business logic effects
  • Server-Side Business Logic: to be specified if present