TC 1.23 – Dashboard Menu management per Organization

Test Case Title TC 1.23 – Dashboard Menu management per Organization
Goals Activate/de-activate the Dashboard Menu of the Organization
Prerequisites The user is registered and logged in the system and has privileges to access dashboards in edit.
Expected successful result A Dashboard menu can be shown/hide in each dashboard with a list of links to other dashboards or other resources, while the Dashboard menu is defined at level of Organization


In edit mode, the user has the possibility to activate or hide the main menu of the dashboard.

The main menu contains a list of links to other resources and/or to other dashboards of the same organization or to other public dashboards, divided in items and subitems.

The reposible of the organizaton can request to  have an activated menu by sending an email to with the following information in the order in which they have to be shown in the Dashboard Menu:

  • Item "name", fa fa icon, rgb color
    • subitem "name", fa fa icon, rgb color, URL, and modality (on the same tab, on a different tab), eventual limitation on Roles, visible to non registered people or not.
    • subitem "name", fa fa icon, rgb color, URL, and modality (on the same tab, on a different tab), eventual limitation on Roles, visible to non registered people or not.
    • subitem "name", fa fa icon, rgb color, URL, and modality (on the same tab, on a different tab), eventual limitation on Roles, visible to non registered people or not.
    • subitem "name", fa fa icon, rgb color, URL, and modality (on the same tab, on a different tab), eventual limitation on Roles, visible to non registered people or not.
    • ....
  • Item "name", fa fa icon, rgb color
    • subitem "name", fa fa icon, rgb color, URL, and modality (on the same tab, on a different tab), eventual limitation on Roles, visible to non registered people or not.
    • subitem "name", fa fa icon, rgb color, URL, and modality (on the same tab, on a different tab), eventual limitation on Roles, visible to non registered people or not.
    • ....
  • Item "name", fa fa icon, rgb color, URL, and modality (on the same tab, on a different tab), eventual limitation on Roles, visible to non registered people or not.
  • ....
    • .....

The list of items to be shown on the main menu can be different for public or according to the user role logged in system, visible to non registered people or not.

Please note that the:

Once the menu is defined, you can decide on which Dashboard it can be visibile, for default it is hidden.

To activate the main menu:

1) enter in a dashboard in edit mode.

2) on the top left of the dashboard, click the white corner icon to open the corresponding menu.

3) Click on the “Show Links Menu” item to activate the main dashboard menu.

4) A new hamburger icon is shown on the top left of the dashboard. Click on it to see the list of links that are related to resources and to other dashboards of the same organization.

5) Click the preview button on the top menu to see the dashboard in view mode.

6) To hide the main dashboard menu, enter in the dashboard in edit mode;

7) on the top left of the dashboard, click the white corner icon to open the corresponding menu;

8) Click on the “Hide Links Menu” to hide the menu icon on the dashboard.