Test Case Title |
TC8.5 - Managing resources via Resource Manager: upload, modify, search, publish, put in execution on a scheduler, share, rank |
Goal |
Prerequisites |
Using a PC or Mobile with a web browser. The following functionalities are available only for specific Snap4city users with specific privileges. |
Expected successful result |
Managing resources via Resource Manager: upload, modify, search, publish, put in execution on a scheduler, share, rank. |
Steps |
Please note that some of the following links could be accessible only for registered users.
Users roles for which this test case is available: All users’ roles (Manager, AreaManager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin) but with different permissions.
User used to describe the Examples: ‘snap4city’ (role: AreaManager), ‘finaluser1’ (role: Manager)
List of the different types of Resources that can be managed via Resource Manager:
- ETL (Extract-Load-Transforming processes)
- DataAnalytics
- IoT:
- IoT Application
- IoT Blocks
- Data flow:
- ResDash (Resource Dashboards)
- DevDash (Development Dashboards)
- Microservice
- Mobile App
Examples/functionalities list:
- Example 1: View, search, download and rank public resources (accessible for All roles)
- Example 2: View, search, download, rank own and public resources (accessible for the roles: AreaManager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin)
- Example 3: View, search, download, rank all resources (accessible for ToolAdmin and RootAdmin)
- Example 4: Upload/modify/publish and share own resources (accessible for the roles: AreaManager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin)
- Example 5: Upload/modify/publish and share all resources (accessible for the roles: ToolAdmin, RootAdmin)
- Example 6: Put own resources in execution on a scheduler (accessible for the roles: AreaManager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin)
- Example 7: Put ALL resources in execution on a scheduler (accessible for the roles: ToolAdmin, RootAdmin)
Example 0: Login on the snap4city platform
Users roles for which this test case is available: All
User used to describe this Examples: ‘snap4city’ (role: AreaManager)
- Go to the snap4city home page
- Make the login
- I can see the snap4city home page
- Now you can select one of the functionalities on the left panel
- Note that the list of the functionalities depends on the user role (and on the related permissions).
Fig: snap4city home page for Manager and public users.
Example 1: View, search, download and rank public resources
Users roles for which this test case is available: All
User used to describe this Examples: ‘finaluser1’ (role: Manager)
Resource types on which this activity can be done: All
- Make the login on the snap4city portal (follow the steps described in EXAMPLE 0)
- Click on the ‘Resource Manager: Process Loader’ menu
- In this web page the list of the public Resources is present. It is possible to make searches on them, view the Resource details, vote and download the resources.
Fig: snap4city home page for Manager and public users.
- The resource search can be done in two different modalities:
- Simple textual search
Fig: Resource textual search.
- Filtered search. It is possible to use the multiple filters, so a user can select (in the following order):
- Nature (the Nature of the data managed but the process, e.g.: ‘Services’)
- Sub-Nature: (a more detailed Resource description, e.g. all)
- License (the license of use associated to the Resource, e.g. all)
- Resource_type (type of resources managed. Possible types: ETL, AMMA, DevDash (Developer Dashboards), ResDash (Resource Dashboards), Microservices, Mobile Apps, NodeRed Application, Nodered Library, Jar, R)
- Format (e.g. all)
Fig: Resource filtered search and rank.
- It is possible to rank each resource and see the Resource details
Fig: Resource Details.
Example 2: View, search, download, rank own and public resources
Users roles for which this test case is available: AreaManager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin
User used to describe this Examples: ‘snap4city’ (role: AreaManager)
Resource types on which this activity can be done: All
This Example is similar to EXAMPLE 1, the only difference is that the users with one of the roles: AreaManager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin can retrieve also their private resources and not only the public ones.
- own resources
- own and Private resources
- own and Published resources
- public resource (published by other snap4city users)
Fig: Area Manager viewed Resources.
Example 3: View, search, download, rank all resources
Users roles for which this test case is available: ToolAdmin, RootAdmin
User used to describe this Examples: ‘panesi’ (role: ToolAdmin)
Resource types on which this activity can be done: All
This Example is similar to EXAMPLEs 1 and 2, the only difference is that the users with the role ToolAdmin or RootAdmin can retrieve All the resources and not only the public ones.
Fig: ToolAdmin/RootAdmin viewed Resources.
Morever this two kinds of users ca also view the information related to the users:
- The filter ‘Username’ in the search is added
- When they click on the button ’View Details’ of each Resource, the username (the author of the resource selected) it will also visible
Fig: ToolAdmin/RootAdmin Resource Details (also Username).
Example 4: Upload/modify/publish and share own resources (accessible for roles: AreaManager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin)
Users roles for which this test case is available: AreaManager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin
User used to describe this Examples: ‘snap4city’ (role: AreaManager)
Resource types on which this activity can be done: All
- Make the login on the snap4city portal (follow the steps described in EXAMPLE 0)
- Click on the ‘Resource Manager: Process Loader > Resources’ menu to view all own resources and the related metadata. In this page each user can see the details and can: A) Upload; B) modify; C) publish its own resources.
Case A) Upload a new resource
- Click on the Button (‘Upload New Resource’) button
Fig: Upload button.
As described Above, many different types of resources can be managed. We put here same samples.
CASE A) create a Microservice
- A pop up will open: fill the fields and press the ‘Confirm’ button. For example, if you want to create a Microservice:
- App Type: Microservice
- Description: Retrieve last tweets related to a channel
- Nature: Services
- Sub-Nature: Social Media
- Micro Service Title: twitter-last-channel
- Help: Retrieve last tweets related to a channel
- url: https://disit.org/rttv/query/TwLastChannel.php
- parameter: channel
- Method: GET
- Authentication: No
Fig: Upload new resource form (Microservice).
- After the ‘Confirm’, the resource its available as private resource (visible only to its owner and to the the ToolAdmin or RootAdmin, in this case the owner is the ‘snap4city’ user) on the table (list).