TC5.2 - Knowledge Base Semantic Search via


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Test Case Title

TC5.2 - Knowledge Base Semantic Search via">


Discovering the relationships among city entities, modelled in the knowledge base as graph database, Linked open Data,- - >">


Using a PC or Mobile with a web browser. Knowledge about the RDF, OWL concepts. Knowledge about SPARQL. Access to ServiceMap, Knowledge base with data. Several of them are available with different number of data: (i) Florence and whole Tuscany, (ii) Helsinki, Antwerp and Bologna, (iii) Venezia, etc.

The following functionalities are available only for specific Snap4city users with specific privileges.

Expected successful result

The possibility of visually inspecting the graph database structure of the knowledge base to understand the relationships among city entities.





Please note that some of the following links could be accessible only for registered users.

Example 1: Navigating on knowledge base, world wide">LOG.DISIT.ORG: can be used to visually navigate into the Knowledge Base and in general in RDF store end-points and save/share the viewed graphs via email with other developers.

Login to  snap4city porta as a user with role of AreaManager or ToolAdmin

Select the “Development Tools” menu and then the “Knowledge Base Graphs”

  1. As starting point the Florence graph is opened, press Clear to remove it
  2. Select in the drop down menu the sparql end point to analyse and select “Km4city SmartCity Ontology (by DISIT)”
  3. write “uffizi” in the keyword search
  4. select “Biblioteca degli Uffizi”, and its service uri is copied in the uri field, then press “Request” button, and on the center the node with its relations are shown
  5. clicking on the node a contextual menu is shown and selection + Details the relations with other nodes are shown
  6. clicking a node and selecting the “Info” option a dialog with detailed information on the node is shown
  7. clicking on the save/disk icon the current graph is stored and an email is sent to the user with the links to access to the graph
  8. The link provided in the email: can be shared with other users and the additional link provided can be used to update the graph.