How To Dev - Example: Using Advanced Smart City API in Python


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See example of the usage of Python for developing MicroService and make it accessible from Proc.Logic /IoT app:

See also Python usage of API:

get token in Python

import requests

# this is only an example do not use in production,

# consider that each call it will create a new session on keycloak for each request,

# the token should be reused until it is expired and when expired it can be 'refreshed' using the refresh token


def getTokenViaUserCredentials(username,password):

    payload = {

        'f': 'json',

        'client_id': xxxxx-tool',

        'grant_type': 'password',

        'username': username,

        'password': password



    header = {

        'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'



    urlToken = ""

    response = requests.request("POST", urlToken, data=payload, headers=header)

    token = response.json()

    return token


def getTokenViaRefreshToken(old_token):

    if not 'refresh_token' in old_token:

        return None


    payload = {

                'f': 'json',

                'client_id': xxxxx-tool',

                'grant_type': 'refresh_token',

              'refresh_token': old_token['refresh_token']



    header = {

        'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'



    urlToken = ""

    response = requests.request("POST", urlToken, data=payload, headers=header)

    token = response.json()

    return token

Access data via Smart City API: get historical and last data via ServiceURI, in Python

#get the token of the user

token = getTokenViaUserCredentials ('…user…','…password…')

print('token', token)

if 'access_token' in token :

    head = {

                "Content-Type": "application/json",

                "Authorization": f"Bearer {token['access_token']}"


    api_url ="https://<xxxxx>/ServiceMap/api/v1/"

    service_uri = "<xxxxx>/<xxxxx>/ccccc_Device_01"

    response = requests.request("GET", api_url + "?serviceUri=" + service_uri +"&fromTime=60-day", headers=head)



    print('failed getting access token', token)

Send data on platform, via Broker: send/update values of a device, in Python

if 'access_token' in token :

    head = {

                "Content-Type": "application/json",

                "Authorization": f"Bearer {token['access_token']}"


    api_url = "<xxxxx>/v2/"

    device_id = "ccccc_Device_01"

    payload = {

        "dateObserved": {

            "value": "2023-01-27T01:01:02.000Z",

            "type": "string"


          "FatigueValue": {

            "value": 13.1,

            "type": "number"



    response = requests.request("PATCH", api_url + "entities/" + device_id +"/attrs?type=Sensor&elementid=" + device_id, json=payload, headers=head)

    if response.status_code!=204 :



        print(device_id+" updated!")


    print('failed getting access token', token)