Dear Snap4City user
February news are
- Open WEBINAR for CINI smart city association the 18th of February at 15:00 (3PM Rome time). Please contact to get the link, the event will be in Italian
- Snap4City una piattaforma condivisa per la ricerca, industria e Pubblica amministratione: DESCRIZIONE: L’incontro mira a presentare snap4city: la sua struttura, che cosa copre oggi e che opportunità di collaborazione offre a enti di ricerca, industrie e Pubbliche amministrazioni. Questo viene fatto per scenari ed esempi, e fornendo anche indicazioni sulle linee di ricerca aperte e sulle nuove challenge. Al momento snap4city ha dati, processi e servizi su 9 stati in europa, oltre 40 scenari, piu' di 20 organizzazioni e installazioni autonome. rimanendo completamente al 100% open source ma lasciando che i contributi di terzi possano essere proprietari come migliorie/aggiunte alla soluzione open source, e rese disponibili per la community.
- new Overview slides and video on
- Course: Big Data and Analytics, Master Industry 4.0 Design, PISA as slides
- completion of IOT Device mobile for traking them on map and having dynamic pin on the basis of the variable value
- possibility of sending at the click a ServiceURI on the IOT Applications, new MicroService on Node-RED Library of Snap4City
- Listing of IOT Devices in charge at the person from IOT Applications, new MicroService on Node-RED Library of Snap4City
- managing scenarious on IOT Applications for What-IF analysis, new MicroService on Node-RED Library of Snap4City
- Platform Overview: PDF FILE
- Why Snap4City should be adopted and why it can be easy replicated / installed
- new Video animation and info from Scenario: Herit-Data video and aims, Herit-Data Interreg project and partners
- Scenarios added reagarding smart light in Sweden by CAPELON, see overview slides on
- DORAM V2 has been released, see: Data Analytics: Analyzing Public Transportation Offer wrt Mobility Demand, DORAM Tool
- New Tool for Container Cluster Intelligence: based on Zabbix, ElastcSearch Kibana, it will be presented in the Part 6 slides of Training