TC5.4 - Knowledge Base Semantic Search via full text: ServiceMap


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Test Case Title

TC5.4 - Knowledge Base Semantic Search via full text: ServiceMap


Discovering entities in the knowledge base using keyword search


Using a PC or Mobile with a web browser. Knowledge about the RDF, OVL concepts. Knowledge about SPARQL. Access to ServiceMap, Knowledge base with data. Several of them are available with different number of data: (i) Florence and whole Tuscany, (ii) Helsinki, Antwerp and Bologna, (iii) Venezia, etc.

The following functionalities are available only for specific Snap4city users with specific privileges.

Expected successful result

The possibility of visually inspecting the graph database structure of the knowledge base matching the query performed





Please note that some of the following links could be accessible only for registered users.

Example 1: Search data on entities

  1. Enter to Snap4City portal
  2. login as any registered user (e.g. snap4city)
  3. select the “Knowledge and Maps” menu item and then select “Service Map”

  1. Select the “Text Search” tab on the left

  1. Write “pizza” and press enter, it will search for any geo-located entity in the KB containing the word “pizza” in any associated textual field.
    You can search for “pizza napoli” and you will get three results matching the two words in the associated notes.

  1. You can save this search request using the “save” button to receive the api calls to be performed to obtain the same results as html or json.


Example 2: Search streets

A specific service has been set up to search on street names and point of interests using “fuzzy” query text matching in order to match also incomplete or partially wrong words.

As in the previous example select the “Address Search” tab, and write “via roma firenze”

Then select a street number (eg via roma 3) and it is shown on the map.

You can write “via roma frenze” or “via rima frenze” and you will get similar results.

The results can be filtered by position or by category.